What does it mean that He (Christ) is our Lawyer?
He is our advocate (1 John 2:1). Like a lawyer represents people in court, He represents His people in heaven. Jesus Christ the righteous. He has the power to represent us because of the sufficiency of His sacrifice. When Satan (the accuser of the brethren) shows our sin to God, Jesus is there saying He died for that sin.
Tag Archives: Issue IT12
Are the references to the holy kiss in the Bible to be literal?
Are the references to the holy kiss at the end of 1 & 2 Corinthians, and 1 Thessalonians literal? I know of a fellowship which does practice this. Why? Why not?
These verses are part of God’s Word, so as with all Scripture, we should study carefully what is said, and obey it.
We are told that this greeting is for “one another,” which includes “all the brethren.” So the kiss was the customary way to greet one another when the New Testament was written. The customary greeting of people generally today in this land is a handshake.
There are times when we greet certain special loved ones today with a kiss, but the verses tell us that if we do kiss, it should be an “holy” kiss. Kissing is a tender way of showing love to those near to us, and I believe that kissing on the lips is a special act tobe reserved for a couple who is committed to each other for marriage. The bride says to her beloved in Song of Solomon 1:2: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.” Let us be careful to greet “all the brethren” with tenderness and impartial love, and “have the same care one for another” (1 Corinthians 12:25), not only in our greeting, but in every association we have with one another.
Is it wrong to not wear head coverings in an “informal Bible study?”
Is it wrong to not wear head coverings in an “informal Bible study?”
First Corinthians 11 gives instruction as to wearing a head covering. Each sister needs to decide before the Lord, in the light of this Scripture, when He wants them to wear a covering.
What is iniquity?
What is iniquity?
This is a tough one to put in words on paper. It is a good question because it has made me search in Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. So the answer which follows are not my words, but from the dictionary.
Another Greek word that is translated “iniquity” in our Bibles is “adikia” which denotes unrighteousness, a condition of not being right, whether with God, according to His holiness and righteousness, or with man according to the standard of what man knows to be right by his conscience (2 Timothy 2:19, James 3:6). (This word for iniquity means anything unscriptural. So 2 Timothy 2:19 instructs all believers to “depart from [anything that is not according to the Word].” —Ed.)
Another Greek word is “adikema” which denotes a wrong, injury, misdeed (Acts 24:20). There are two more Greek words that are translated iniquity in the New Testament and they mean bad, worthless (Ephesians 6:12), and law-breaking (2 Peter 2:16).
Is it wrong to feel proud about your knowledge of God, Jesus, and the Word?
Is it wrong to feel proud about your knowledge of God, Jesus, and the Word?
It’s not my knowledge (It’s God’s truth); I should be thankful for it, not boastful. He teaches us all things (John 14:26).
How do you know what path God wants you to follow?
How do you know what path God wants you to follow?
John 7:17 reads: “If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” In this verse we have the secret to having God’s will revealed to us. If any of us want to “do” God’s will Jesus promises that he shall know the doctrine. I believe this holds true in whatever we seek to do.
What would be a good way to tell someone about Jesus?
What would be a good way to tell someone about Jesus?
Nurture them along, show love, try to be their friend, little by little tell them the gospel.
Sanctify the Lord in your heart (make Him number one) by reading the Word (1 Peter 3:15,16).
Pray for people while we show Christ to others.
It’s His work. He will give wisdom and the words to say for each moment (Proverbs 16:1, Matthew 10:19, 20).
Know what you believe and why. Plus, have the hope of His return before you so that people will ask why, and then you will be ready to answer why. “The righteous studieth to answer” (Proverbs 15:28). Don’t get worried. It’s the Lord that works in their hearts. The Lord opened Lydia’s heart (Acts 16:14).
Is it possible to become unsaved after you have been saved?
Is it possible to become unsaved after you have been saved?
The verse to answer this question is John 10:28. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand.”
What about Daniel and Joseph?
What about Daniel and Joseph?
God’s instruction to His people in the Old Testament was different than His direction is to us today.
Why do people accept false Christs?
Why do people accept false Christs?
This is a very important question to know the answer to for two reasons. First: so you as a young person will know what to be aware of. Secondly: so you as a believer will know how to help those who are following a man or woman, who profess to be Christ, or those who may be thinking of getting involved with such.
Are we to stand back and let all the non-Christians hold all the offices?
Since the only commission the Lord has given us to do toward the world is to preach the gospel Mark 16:15, does this mean we’re just to stand back and let all the non-Christians hold all the offices? Are we just supposed to sit and watch?
Remember God’s in control. “The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men” (Daniel 4:17). Actually, this isn’t our country, for if we are saved, our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20).
If we are preaching the gospel as much as we should, we won’t have time for other things. Though we are told to pray “for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:1,2). We also are instructed to submit to those in authority (Romans 13:1-3).But we have no instruction to join with the world in its government in this day of grace. Knowing that God is going to judge this world through Christ (Acts 17:31), if we would try to make the world better, it would be like arranging the chairs on the Titanic as it was going down to destruction.