What would be a good way to tell someone about Jesus?

What would be a good way to tell someone about Jesus?

Nurture them along, show love, try to be their friend, little by little tell them the gospel.

Don’t be condemning. It starts with the example you show (Matthew 5:16). If you are shining the Light (showing Christ) it might make them want to know why you’re like that. Let your light shine. The Light’s already there in our heart; it’s we who get in the way.
Sanctify the Lord in your heart (make Him number one) by reading the Word (1 Peter 3:15,16).
Pray for people while we show Christ to others.
It’s His work. He will give wisdom and the words to say for each moment (Proverbs 16:1, Matthew 10:19, 20).
Know what you believe and why. Plus, have the hope of His return before you so that people will ask why, and then you will be ready to answer why. “The righteous studieth to answer” (Proverbs 15:28). Don’t get worried. It’s the Lord that works in their hearts. The Lord opened Lydia’s heart (Acts 16:14).