Behold the Christ, a Man in glory now!
The “Man of Sorrows” was He for our sake:
A crown of thorns we put upon His brow,
And with our scorn His tender heart did break.
Yet hear Him! hearken to His loving voice,
Pleading His tears, His agonies, His blood!
Crying, “Ye dying sons of men, rejoice:
I am the Truth, the Life, the Way to God!
“Come unto Me, ye weary ones, for rest!
Ye hungry, thirsty, helpless, come to Me!
There is a home of safety on My breast
Peace in the blood I shed on Calvary!
“Come unto Me: your souls shall then be fed!
Come unto Me: all other springs are dry!
Come unto Me, the living, heav’nly Bread!
Come unto Me for streams that satisfy!”