Sometimes it is asked, "What steps should be taken to show a Christian in one of the
denominations, who is exercised about his position, what is his right place?" First, it may be
remarked that persons in different conditions of soul require different dealings, so that it is needful
to present the truth from the viewpoint suited to the condition. Thus both wisdom and grace must
be exercised according to the case in hand. There are, however, certain well-defined features
which may be emphasized.
1. To be associated with a denomination involves adherence to a party-name, to a form of creed
or teaching, usually with some particular tenet to which special emphasis is given. Such a position
practically denies the unity formed by the Holy Spirit_the Body of Christ into which all God’s
children now are baptized by the Spirit, and so united to Christ as the Head.
There is no name to own, therefore, but that of Christ; no creed to subscribe to but the Word of
God; no special doctrine to enforce, but all Scripture owned and bowed to as the only standard
to govern our life, our doctrine, and fellowship. (See 1 Cor. 12:12-20; Eph. 4:1-12; Rom.
2. The concentration of ministry in one man who is given control for worship and service (as is
usual in the denominational organizations) is a practical denial of the Holy Spirit as the Director
of, and Leader in, the activities of God’s people. Individual Christian liberty in worship and
service is shut out, contrary to the Word (see 1 Cor. 14:26-40). It is the prerogative of the Holy
Spirit to lead the saints, apart from human presidency or expediency.
3. Necessity is made, in denominational organizations, that all ministry of the Word and direction
of worship be through a humanly ordained and authorized person. This is a denial of Christ’s
authority and power to give distinct gifts to His members here, manifested and accredited by the
Spirit’s leading, apart from human authorization, though owned and recognized by the Church as
such when manifested (Eph. 4:7-16).
4. The promiscuous fellowship of believers and unbelievers which characterizes
denominations_against which little guard is maintained_denies, or nullifies, the teaching of the
Word as to the separation of God’s people from the world, its principles and ways. It was the
admixture of Israel with the nations and their ways that wrought ruin in Israel; the admixture of
the world with the Church is a greater evil, and works a correspondingly worse ruin. Scripture
has especially warned us as to it. See 2 Cor. 6:11-18. Coupled with these things, evil teachers are
allowed, while there is little effort to maintain the government and discipline which becomes
God’s house.
These considerations should show us that as to both position and character, human organizations
in the Church displace and dishonor Christ as the Head and Center of His people, as well as the
Holy Spirit as the One who forms and dwells in the Church, and the Word of God as the charter
and guide for the Christian company.
What, then, is the proper Scriptural course for the Christian in the denominations? On the basis
of 2 Timothy 2:20,21 it is separation. And what is that place of separation? It is obedience to the
directions God has given in His Word for His people who belong to the Church, the Body of
1. It is to own no name but that of Christ (1 Cor. 1:12,13); to gather to Him alone. It is to refuse
membership in any so-called church organization of human devising, because Scripture speaks of
membership only in the Body of which Christ is the Head (1 Cor. 12:13), which is the true and
only Church.
2. It is to recognize that the Lord’s supper is the feast which must be kept holy in character and
associations, where the Lord by His Word is to rule. It is to be separate from what refuses His
order, denies the truth, or would link us with such things.
3. It is to recognize the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit, refuse man-made authority over
God’s people, and refuse human ordination to office and ministry. Acknowledging these things,
it is to practice them in separation from what denies them, in the simplicity of apostolic days
exemplified in the Acts and as taught in the Epistles.
4. It is to recognize and walk with all who confess the faith, live godlily, and are free from
associations which are contrary to the principles of the Word which we are enjoined to keep,
gathering to the Lord as our Head and only Center, in obedience to the truths above mentioned
(2 Timothy 2:21, 22). It is to practically exhibit these truths amid the general departure and
ruin_not with pretension of being "the people," but in humility and confession of weakness and
Companies gathered after this fashion have the responsibility and authority to act for the Lord
within the limits of His Word. God’s house is holy, and His people are responsible to maintain
God’s holy character in His house.