Tag Archives: Issue IT102

After the rapture, will unbelievers have a second chance to be saved?

What happens during the rapture?  Will unbelievers have a second chance to be saved?


We read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 to show that those who had rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ will have no second chance to be saved, but the Lord will send a strong delusion that they might believe Satan’s lies.  It is so important to believe on the Lord Jesus now, before it’s too late.

  Author: Doris Carter         Publication: Issue IT102

How long does it take when a person is put out of fellowship to be allowed back?


How long does it take when a person is put out of fellowship to be allowed back?


As soon as the one under discipline is restored to the Lord, the assembly should receive him back into fellowship.  There is a proper order before someone is disciplined by the assembly (Matthew 18:15-18), and ministering to a person’s needs is so important (Galatians 6:1,2).  Discipline is the last thing the assembly desires to do, so efforts must be made to restore the offending brother or sister.  If this fails, the assembly, in dependence on the Lord, may feel it necessary to administer discipline.  Even then, the assembly should continue to work to restore this one to the Lord and the assembly.

  Author: Doris Carter         Publication: Issue IT102

How do you know when you are saved?


How do you know when you are saved?


This is an important question.  We need to rely on the authority of the scriptures to teach us of salvation and to assure us of our salvation after we have believed on the Lord Jesus.  A few verses that tell us how to be saved are: Acts 16:31, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-13, Philippians 2:5-8.  We need to rely on these verses if we ever question the fact of our salvation.  What do the scriptures tell us we need to do to be saved?  According to these verses (and others) it tells us to put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  If we have done that, we are saved.  We should never rely on our feelings to tell us whether we are saved or not.

  Author: Doris Carter         Publication: Issue IT102

What was it like before the resurrection of Jesus?


What was it like before the resurrection of Jesus?


Between the death and burial of the Lord and His resurrection we don’t have a lot of information.  We do know that at His death the veil of the temple was torn from the top to the bottom, and there was an earthquake (Matthew 27:51).  Also many graves were opened, and the bodies of these people laid there until the Lord arose from the dead.  After the Lord’s resurrection, they then arose and went into the city (Matthew 27:52,53).  Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus buried the Lord (John 19:38-40).  The next day was the Sabbath so, according to the law, they all rested (Luke 23:56).

  Author: Doris Carter         Publication: Issue IT102