Rescued when perishing ( 262 )

Rescued when perishing,
Cared for when dying,
Snatch’d as a brand from the fierce-burning wave!
Sought for, an erring one,
Rais’d up when fallen:

Praise be to Jesus, the Mighty to Save!
Rescued when perishing,
Cared for when dying,
Justified, pardon’d, eternally saved!

Long I lived slighting Him,
Still He stood waiting,
Waiting, my sin-burdened soul to relieve;
Pleading so lovingly,
Saying so gently,
“Look to me, weary one, Only believe.”

Down in my sinful heart,
Crushed by the tempter,
“No good thing dwelleth” that ” Grace can restore,”
But in my Saviour’s heart,
Brimful of kindness,
Cords of compassion vibrate evermore.

Praising, not perishing,
No dread of dying,
Life everlasting, “in Christ” God provides.
Walking the narrow way,
Patiently waiting,
Waiting my Saviour’s glad shout from the skies.

  Author: Christopher Knapp