Lone, wayworn, stricken soul ( 238 )

Lone, wayworn, stricken soul, sin’s curse doth sadden!
Jesus from glory now pleadeth with thee:
“Come, weary lab’ring one! come, heavy laden!
Rest I will give thee! Come, come unto Me!

“Once ‘mid earth’s desert scenes, gloomy and dreary,
Found I not scorn and hate, seeking for thee?
Do not I pity thee lost, crushed and weary?
Rest I will give thee! Come, come unto Me!

“Lo, where on Calvary My heart hath spoken
My side, My hands, My feet, pierced for thee!
Come with thy bruised heart, thy spirit broken!
Rest I will give thee! Come, come unto Me!

“Love I thee not for thee cursed and forsaken,
My soul poured out to death, lost one, for thee!
Must not a love like Mine love in thee waken?
Rest I will give thee! Come, come unto Me!”