Rock of Ages! cleft for sin,
Grace hath hid us safe within!
Where the water and the blood,
From Thy riven side hath flowed,
Are of sin the double cure;
Cleansing from its guilt and power.
Not the labor of our hands
Could fulfil the laws demands;
Could our zeal no respite know,
Could our tears for ever flow,
Naught for sin could e’er atone
But Thy blood and Thine alone!
Found by Thee before we sought,
Unto Thee in mercy brought;
We have Thee for righteousness,
From Thy fulness grace on grace:
Thou hast washed us in Thy blood,
Made us live and live to God.
While we draw this fleeting breath,
If our eyes are closed in death,
When we soar to worlds unknown,
Sit with Thee upon Thy throne:
Thou our joy shalt be in heaven,
Who for us Thyself hast given.