How Can I Discern A Scriptural Gathering of Christians?

In these “last days” when “the wolf (the Devil) scattereth the sheep” and when there is such a multitude of denominations, gatherings and independent groups, it has become a great difficulty to discern a Scriptural gathering of Christians. Therefore each believer should the more earnestly desire Divine guidance in this matter.

Three things will be necessary for one to receive such guidance.

1. Be willing to yield to Divine guidance. “If any man will do His will, he shall know the doctrine, whether it be of God” (John 7:17). If one is willing to obey Divine guidance, no matter what the cost may be, God will direct him.

2. Study the Word. Many are blindly following their traditions, ancestors or relatives. But those who seek a scriptural gathering must first know what the Scriptures teach concerning the gathering together of Christians. Read the Word carefully and prayerfully so that you will know you are obeying God’s Word in this important matter.

3. Submit to the Guidance of the Spirit of God. “When He the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). The truth of the church is of the highest spiritual character; it is a “great mystery” and therefore it can never be understood by natural arguments. The Spirit of God is alone able to reveal the true teaching of the Word of God on this subject.

In God’s Word we find both doctrine and practice. In the matter of doctrine, the Bible is insistent, while in the matter of practice, we find constant evidences of the Lord’s lingering grace as He seeks to correct the wrong practices of His people. Therefore let us (1) INSIST upon Scriptural principles and (2) DESIRE to promote Scriptural practices.

(It is to be remembered that any apostate sect, such as the Russellites, the Adventists, the Mormons, the Modernists, etc., is to be considered antichristian, though they pretend to be Christian, even adding that word in denominating themselves, as “Christian Scientists,” “Christian Adventists,” etc. Denying the person of Christ, the work of Christ, or the words of Christ, they are antichristian, and a true believer should shun them as devilish.)

I will suggest four Scriptural principles which should be insisted upon.

First—The gathering should recognize the LORDSHIP AND HEADSHIP OF CHRIST over the church. The church belongs to Christ, being “purchased by His Own blood” (Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:25,27). He is the Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22,23; Col. 1:18) and the church is to be subject to Him (Eph. 5:24). A Scriptural gathering of Christians will never permit a pope, bishop council, conference or clergyman to rule over them and thus rob Christ of His Headship over His church. Such a gathering will gather together in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, according to Matt. 18:20. They will not meet as Lutherans, Calvinists, Wesleyans or Baptists, or as followers of any other human leader or name, but giving Christ His place as head over His church, they will meet as Christians in the Name of their one Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Second—The gathering will recognize the ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY OF THE WORD OF GOD. Before the New Testament was written, the Lord vested authority in the apostles, but since the completion of the New Testament and the death of the apostles, entire authority is vested in God’s Word alone. A Scriptural gathering of Christians will ignore all creeds, regarding them as unnecessary and dangerous (Mark 7:7-13). They will test everything by the Word of God, believing it to be sufficient as it is, without amendment or substitute (2 Tim. 2:16,17).

Third—The gathering will be SUBJECT TO THE LEADERSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. When Christ ascended to heaven, He sent the Spirit of God to take control of His people. The Spirit enables us to worship, and He is to lead the church in worship (Phil. 3:4; 2 Cor. 3:17,18). He creates and preserves the unity of the church (Eph. 2:22; 4:3). He gives and preserves the unity of the church (Eph. 2:22; 4:3). He gives the gifts and is to control their ministry (1 Cor. 12:4,11). He is to control in service, sending missionaries and directing the Lord’s servants (Acts 13:4; 16:6,7). In brief, He is to lead and control the gathering in their worship, prayer, ministry, service, etc. A gathering that is subject to the leadership of the Spirit will not tolerate the system of “clergy and laity,” nor will a clergyman or any one man be permitted to usurp the leadership of the Holy Spirit by administering the Lord’s supper” or by “leading the prayer meeting,” etc. Instead they will hold to the truth of the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5) and will gather for worship, prayer and edification with one Leader, the Holy Spirit, and as He leads, so they will participate.

Fourth—The gathering will meet as fellow members of THE ONE BODY OF CHRIST (1 Cor. 12:12-27). They will believe in the one church over the whole world and that every believer is put into that church, the body of Christ, by the Holy Spirit. In their local gathering they will hold to this as did the Corinthian gathering (1 Cor. 1:2; 10:16,17). Therefore they shall never organize together, but they shall “assemble together” according to Heb. 10:25. They shall regard one another (every one saved) as brethren and sisters in Christ, and count membership in His Body the only membership to be acknowledged. With this they shall be very careful to keep from the Lord’s supper all unsaved persons, those not living a godly life, and those associated with doctrinal and moral evil.

The word “church” is translated from the Greek word “Ecclesia” which means “that which is called out.” The church is to be separated from the world (John 17:14,16). The recognition of the headship of Christ, the authority of the Word of God, the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the brotherhood of all believers, will put us in a gathering that will not have one thing in common with the world and we shall find such a gathering far different from the immense organizations where the worldly-wise control.

Where these four great principles are set forth and help, there you will find a Scriptural gathering of the Lord’s people—an assembly of believers that is a testimony to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thess. 1:12; 2:1) and with them you should assemble in obedience to Heb. 10:25. If that gathering be but the “two or three,” let your lot be cast in with them. As you thus gather with them you may find some unscriptural practices that will need the correction of the Word of God, even as was found in the “Church of God at Corinth” (1 Cor. 6). If you are looking for perfection of practices, you cannot find it in one single Christian, so certainly do not expect to find it in a gathering of many Christians. Finally, INSIST on Scriptural principles and DESIRE to promote Scriptural practices. Stand with those who adhere to Scriptural principles and seek to help them into a fuller conformity to Scriptural practices.


  Author: D. B.