And is it so? I shall be like Thy Son!
Is this the grace which He for me has won?
Father of glory! Thought beyond all thought;
In glory to His Own blest likeness brought.
O Jesus, Lord: who loved me like to Thee?
Fruit of Thy work! With Thee too, there to see
Thy glory, Lord, while endless ages roll,
Myself the prize and travail of Thy soul.
Yet it must be! Thy love had not its rest,
Were Thy redeemed not with Thee fully blest;
That love that gives not as the world, but shares
All it possesses, with its loved co-heirs!
Nor I alone; Thy loved ones all, complete
In glory around Thee, with joy shall meet!
All like Thee: for Thy glory like Thee, Lord!
Object supreme of all, by all adored!
And yet it must be so! A perfect state,
To meet Christ’s perfect love__what we await;
The Spirit’s hopes, desires, in us inwrought,
Our present joy__with living blessings fraught.
The heart is satisfied; can ask no more;
All thought of self is now for ever o’or:
Christ, its unmingled Object, fills the heart
In blest adoring love__its endless part.
Father of mercies, in Thy Presence bright
All this shall be unfolded in the light;
Thy children, all, with joy Thy counsels know
Fulfilled; patient in hope, while here below.
There are two causes which, as we are taught in the
book of Job, bring trial on the saint. FIRST, God shows
the transgressions in which man has exceeded, that is,
positive faults. SECONDLY, He withdraws man from
his purpose, and hides pride from him (Job33:16,17;
36:7-9). This book gives us full divine instruction as to
God’s ways in trying the righteous. There we learn
another truth, important to exercised souls, who often
dwell on secondary causes___that God is the cause
and moves in all these exercises. The origin of all Job’s
trials was not Satan’s accusation, but God’s word,
“Hast thou considered my servant Job?” God had,
and saw that he needed this. The instruments were
wicked, or disasters caused by Satan; but God had
considered His servant, tried the righteous, but
measured exactly the trial__Stayed His rough wind
in the day of the east wind [“in measure debate with”]
and when He had done His own work (which Satan could
not do at all), and shown Job to himself, blessed him
He humbles us and proves us, that we may know what
is in our heart__ feeds us with the bread of faith; but it
is to do us good in our latter end.
When the trial is met in the truth and power of spiritual
life, it develops and brings out much more softness and
maturity of grace__ a spirit more separated from the
world to God, and more acquainted with God. Where
it is met by of meets the flesh, the will of this__its
rebellion__is brought to light, the conscience becomes
sensible of it before God, and, by the discipline itself,
the self-will is, even insensibly, destroyed.