A Vessel of Wrought Gold

Awhile in the earthen vessel

Awhile in the
earthen vessel

The treasures of
glory gleam;

In heaven the
fount eternal,

In the desert
the living stream.


And looking on
Christ in glory,

That glory so
still, so fair,

There passes a
change upon me,

Till I am as He
who is there.


Then no more in
the earthen vessel

The treasure of
God shall be,

But in full and
unclouded beauty,

O Lord, wilt
Thou shine through me.


Afar through
the golden vessel

Will the glory
of God shine bright;

There shall be
no need for the sunshine,

For the Lamb
shall be the light.


Undimmed in
that wondrous vessel,

That light of
surpassing love

Shall illumine
the earth in its gladness,

And shall fill
the heavens above.


All, all in His
new creation,

The glory of God
shall see;

And the lamp
for that light eternal

The Lamb for the
Bride shall be.


A golden lamp
in the heavens,

That all may see
and adore

The Lamb who
was slain and who liveth,

Who liveth for