In the present day particularly I find that however gifted any may be, the spirit and power of
worship is what is most needed. This, as it is surely the spirit of meekness and lowliness of heart
before God and man, is the great need in all the assemblies, and it is this which is the great
preparative and safeguard of labor of every kind in those that have ability to minister, as well as
of profiting in those ministered to.
Is there not in this respect a great, if not the greatest, shortcoming? Do our assemblies_say on
Lord’s day mornings and at our worship meetings_present to the eye of God groups of saints,
from the grateful heart of each of whom a precious odor of thankfulness and gratitude is seen
ascending up as incense to Jesus as He sits at the Father’s right hand? Are these busy minds, as
we sit in silence before our Father, seen by Him to be feeding upon the Lamb in the midst of the
throne, who was dead but is alive again? Is there not, rather, much of restless occupation with
circumstances:some, it may be, thinking who will speak or pray; others, whether they shall do
so or not? This is all the result of feebleness in the spirit of worship. I am persuaded that if there
were more sitting in silence of worship, and if our subjection to the Spirit in conscious, mutual
subjection were thus more manifested, each heart, each mind the while more busied in communion
with the Father and the Lamb, we should have far more comfort of love, as well as increase in
our fellowship together.