"He is despised and rejected of men; a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief" (Isa. 53:3).
"Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my
sorrow" (Lam. 1:12).
"Then saith He unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death" (Matt. 26:38).
O ever homeless Stranger,
Thou dearest Friend to me;
An outcast in a manger,
That Thou might’st with us be!
How rightly rose the praises
Of heaven that wondrous night_
When shepherds hid their faces
In brightest angel-light!
"To God, in the highest, glory,
And peace on earth" to find;
And learn that wondrous story,
God’s pleasure in mankind.
Blessed Babe! who lowly liest
In manger-cradle there;
Descended from the highest
Our sorrows all to share.
We cling to Thee in weakness_
The manger and the cross;
We gaze upon Thy meekness,
Through suffering, pain, and loss.
There see the Godhead glory
Shine through that human veil;
And, willing, hear the story
Of Love that’s come to heal!
‘Midst sin, and all corruption,
Where hatred did abound,
Thy path of true perfection
Was light on all around.
In scorn, neglect, reviling,
Thy patient grace stood fast;
Man’s malice unavailing
To move Thy heart to haste.
O’er all, Thy perfect goodness
Rose blessedly divine;
Poor hearts oppressed with sadness,
Found ever rest in Thine!
Disease, and death, and demon,
All fled before Thy word,
As darkness, the dominion
Of day’s returning lord!
The love, that bore our burden
On the accursed tree,
Would give the heart its pardon,
And set the sinner free.
Still in Thee, love’s sweet savor
Shone forth in every deed;
And showed God’s loving favor
To every soul in need.
I pause_for in Thy vision
The day is hastening now,
When for our lost condition,
Thy holy head shall bow.
When, deep to deep still calling,
The waters reach Thy soul,
And_death and wrath appalling_
Their waves shall o’er Thee roll.
O day of mightiest sorrow,
Day of unfathomed grief;
When Thou should’st taste the horror
Of wrath, without relief.
Thou soughtest for compassion_
Some heart Thy grief to know.
To watch Thine hour of passion_
For comforters in woe:
No eye was found to pity_
No heart to bear Thy woe;
But shame, and scorn, and spitting_
None cared Thy name to know.
In death, obedience yielding
To God His Father’s will:
Love still its power is wielding
To meet all human ill.
On him who had disowned Thee
Thine eye could look in love_
‘Midst threats and taunts around Thee_
To tears of grace to move.
What words of love and mercy
Flow from those lips of grace,
For followers that desert Thee;
For sinners in disgrace!
The robber learned beside Thee,
Upon the cross of shame_
While taunts and jeers deride Thee_
The savor of Thy name.
Then, finished all, in meekness
Thou to Thy Father’s hand
(Perfect Thy strength in weakness)
Thy spirit dost commend.
O Lord! Thy wondrous story
My inmost soul doth move;
I ponder o’er Thy glory_
Thy lonely path of love!
We worship, when we see Thee
In all Thy sorrowing path;
We long soon to be with Thee
Who bore for us the wrath!
Come, long-expected Saviour!
Thou Man of Sorrows, come!
Almighty, blest Deliverer,
Come, take us to Thee_home!
(By J. N. Darby (1800-1882), condensed from Help and Food, Vol. 45; also, greatly condensed
in Hymns of Grace and Truth.)