Dear Brother :Your letter, with others enclosed from abroad, was duly received. I have delayed returning them as it was desired to have them read at our general meeting, at which two officers from Camp Kearny, the cantonment near us, were to be present. They were very much interested in these letters. What a striking work among Roman Catholics in France one of these letters speaks of. And how the gospel has been carried in foreign countries the world over in our days. The Lord's earthly people, too, seemingly are near to get possession again of their own land-Palestine. All this surely points to the soon return of our blessed Lord. How can any one doubt the inspiration of the word of God, the Bible, as things on earth are shaping themselves entirely in accord with it?
Well, thank God, there is peace and rest for us amidst the present upheavals. What will be the outcome of present events? If peace comes, we know it can only be a temporary peace, in spite of the fact that nations look upon a genera], popular Democracy as a cure-all. But as Scripture says, " they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay" (Dan. 2:43). So we look up and wait for Him who alone can set matters right. Some look for a super-human man, not knowing that such an one will come in fulfilment of the Book they despise-the lawless one whom the Lord shall smite when lawlessness is at its height. May the Lord keep us in the attitude of those that wait for their Lord.