QUES. 1.-Is Phil. 3:10, 11 moral? or does Paul really desire go through death and resurrection?
ANS.-To properly grasp this passage we "believe it is of primary importance to understand the character of the Epistle. Philippians is the epistle of the Christian race. But a race exists only by virtue of on object to be reached at the end.
On his way to Damascus, Saul the proud Jew, the zealous keeper of the law, and therefore the persecutor of Christ ("for I Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth" Rom. 10:4), had evidently been arrested by a wonderful vision. Jesus Himself, from the glory where He was, had appeared to him. Then He had revealed to him, as never before to any man, the wonders of the grace that had come by Him. This captivated his heart, and henceforth made his adorable Saviour in glory the sole Object to run after and to win. He had a glimpse of Him in glory, exalted there in the power resurrection, and this glimpse had set him longing for the full know-ledge of Him, and for that perfect likeness to Him which can only be reached there, at the end of the race.
Morally, in his soul, he of course already knows the power of this, for it is the power of it in his soul which urges him on in the race at the end of which the desired Object is to be had. And if in running after that Object-true to it in all his practical life he must needs suffer, pass through death even in violence, as his Master had, it matters not. Christ Himself won, and perfect like ness to Him reached, he would then be satisfied. Until then he could not, would not be satisfied. No matter how much of the race had been run, and no matter how well, he could not stop there in self-complacency, but must run onto the end, when he would reach the Object of his heart. So may we run in company with that beloved man, our pattern as to object, even as Christ is our pattern as to character.
QUES. 2.-What is the interpretation of Phil. 1:28?
ANS.-To be" adversaries" to those who hold, and preach, and practice "the faith of the gospel" is sufficient evidence, already here, of the righteous doom which awaits such adversaries. For, what but good accompanies that precious faith? and what but God's love to man is manifested in it? To be adversaries to it therefore is proof positive of being enemies of God and lovers of sin, the end of which is eternal judgment. On the other hand, to suffer for Christ's sake and the gospel's is proof of being on God's side, objects of His love and partakers of His salvation. The sufferings of Christ and His people, inflicted by the world, is like a black cloud hanging over it. What terrors will be theirs when it bursts upon them! What mercy it is to be of the world no more!
QUES. 3.-Is Eph. 4:13 present or future?
ANS.-It is both. The gifts of ver. 11 are for the perfecting of individual members of the body, that they may in turn fulfil their own proper functions toward their fellow-members of the and thus perfect it in the knowledge of Christ until it reaches the perfect man-Christ with His Church seen as one in glory.