Current Events

To all who watch events in relation to the fulfilment of God's revealed purposes, it will be interesting to know that Great Britain has lately revived her right to the protection of the Jews in Palestine. This right was acquired under the government of Lord Palmerston, consequent upon the Damascus troubles. The Sultan had issued an trade granting protection to the non-Mohammedan population. It gave them religious liberty; it abolished the authority, both civil and judicial, of the Mussulman clergy ; it put all creeds and nationalities on an equal footing; it forbade all persecution and punishment of religious converts; it placed non-Mohammedan subjects on an equality with the rest as to representation and public office; it permitted foreigners to hold landed property, and instituted many other reforms. But Great Britain knew how easy it is for the Sultan to issue irades which are a dead letter when the time of execution comes. She therefore obtained from the Sultan the right to see to the fulfilment of the conditions of this one, specifically mentioning the Jews as included under its protection. That right remains hers to this day; and, according to a writer in the Jewish World, has been put to the front of late by a circular addressed to British agents in Syria and the East, requesting them to make known to the authorities of those lands the interest taken in the Jews by the British government; also, to protect the Jews, in case of necessity.

Of what importance this may be can easily be seen when one remembers that the Sultan has lately removed all hindrance to the re-settlement of the Jews in their own land. Driven by persecution from Russia, they are rapidly returning to the Holy Land ; and the revival of the national spirit in them, as prophesied in Ezekiel 37, and manifested in Zionism, is likely soon, under such protection, to culminate in their becoming an autonomous Jewish state.

It is evident that both Russia and Germany are taking great interest in and have designs toward those lands, which once formed the kingdom of Syria, extending from the Mediterranean Sea to India; and under the present spirit of empire which rules them as well as Great Britain, what wiser political move could this last make than to establish a Jewish state in the coveted and disputed territory ? Then, besides the political advantage, the philanthropic sentiment of England is strong toward the Jewish people. A Bible-loving people are a Jews-loving people; for of them, " as concerning the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen" (Rom. 9 :5).

How cheering to the hearts of God's people are thus the signs of the fulfilment of every jot and tittle of His holy Word in a day when, on every side, the men who ought to " preach the word," and press it home on every human soul, are betraying their trust, and turning to the fables of "science, falsely so called."

At any time we may see that people, still unbelieving and rebellious, and for many centuries " not a people," raised up again to national existence, under a protection which will play them false in the end, and bring the faithful ones among them where Joseph's brethren had finally to come, as we read in Gen. 42-45.

What triumphs in heaven, when the Church arrives there, with her glorified Head! What triumphs upon earth, when Israel, cleansed from her sins, and delivered from all her enemies, is established in her land, not under the protection of men, but under the golden scepter of her glorious King!