Young Believers’ Department

Calendar:Feb. 15th to Mar. 15th.

DAILY BIBLE READING ……. Feb. 15th, Romans 3; Feb. 28th, Rom. 16; Mar. 15th, 1 Cor. 15.

SUPPLEMENTARY READING ….Feb. 15th, Isa. 11; Feb. 28th, Isa. 24; Mar. 15th, Isa. 39.

We have again, through the mercy of our Lord, gone through the historical portion of the New Testament with, I trust, added acquaintance with the narrative. We need not apologize for reminding one another that more than mere familiarity with the Word is needed, but that it must be "mixed with faith," and this suggests what is often connected with reading or hearing the Word-prayer. Mary, Luke 10, sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word; in the next chapter, 11, we have our Lord's example, and the instruction of His disciples how to pray. The Word searches the heart, conscience is stirred, and this should draw us to the throne of grace. May it ever be so.

Entering upon the Epistles, we find a wealth of divine truth poured out before us-"the unsearchable riches of Christ." We may say that the truths of which we have had partial views in the historical narrative are here brought out in all their detail and fulness. We could not do without the Gospels, nor the Acts, but in the Epistles the doctrines of grace and truth are elaborated. They are the fulfilment of our Lord's promise to the disciples that the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth. So it is of the greatest importance that we should be "rooted and grounded" in these. A brief outline of the two Epistles which engage us during the coming month may help us, but if you have time for it, you might read the Notes in the Numerical Bible, or some other helpful book. Romans gives us the great foundation truths of the Righteousness of God, as declared in the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, and which is upon all that believe, their eternal protection and power for the life that will please Him. Its main divisions are:1.-God's Righteousness in the justification of the believer in Jesus, who has no righteousness of his own-Jew and Gentile alike all under sin-either by nature or practice (Chaps. 1-5:11). 2.-The cross has ended the old man, and the Spirit is the power for the new life in the risen Son of God (Chaps. 5:12-8). 3.-The counsels of God with regard to Israel are fully consistent with this grace to all, and shown in the work of faith in them, and in their future restoration (Chaps. 9-11). 4.-The practical walk resulting from this mercy of God, as applied to the individual and to his relationships to fellow-believers and to the world (Chaps. 12-16).

1 Corinthians is largely devoted to the relationships of the child of God, especially his responsibility in the assembly to maintain separation from evil and unity in love with the saints. It is the great Epistle of Church order. Its divisions are:1.-The assembly in separation from the principles of the world, the corruptions of the flesh, and the deceits of the devil (Chaps. 1-10). 2.- The assembly in its worship, constitution, nature (love) and mutual ministry for edification (Chaps. 11-14). 3.- The sure and blessed hope of the resurrection (Chap. 15). 4.-Practical exhortations (Chap. 16). Throughout, Christ our Lord, in His cross and His person, is the blessed Deliverer from, and Substitute for, the evils within and about us.

In the supplementary reading we go on with the great prophet Isaiah, but let us remember that we carry to it the light from the New Testament. Our blessed Lord lived in the Old Testament, but declared Himself the Fulfiller of its truths. We should guard against any low thoughts of the inspiration of the Old Testament; it is, equally with the New Testament, the Word of God -but what a flood of light is now poured upon its pages by the full statement of the truths only dimly declared by those who "diligently inquired" (1 Pet. 1:10-12). What a picture of the truth of God in Christ, His sufferings and His glory! The "prophets and kings" on the one hand desired to see, and on the other "the angels desire to look into" them. May we reverently prize all this dowry of the Holy Spirit.

Keep your notebook at hand, and jot down all thoughts that you gather from your reading, as well as any difficult questions. Ask as to each chapter, "What does it teach of Christ?"

I add a word for the older readers. You will find it very helpful to compare our excellent Authorized Version with the "New Translation" by Mr. Darby. You will find beautiful copies of the New and Old Testaments in one volume. I would advise your getting the edition with the footnotes, which are specially valuable in the New Testament. Those of you who have kept up with your Greek studies will find the Introduction to the New Testament will give you a start in the knowledge of the manuscripts and versions which supply the material for the best supported readings, where there are alterations in our Authorized Version. While these alterations are important, they do not contradict any of the precious truths learned from the Authorized Version. It is well to emphasize this-the Bible that is in our hands is the word of God; the New Version makes certain translations clearer, but only confirms the simplest babe in Christ in the assurance that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God."