Prayer’s Effectualness


A young man had been called to the foreign field. He had not been in the habit of preaching, but he knew one thing, how to prevail with God; and going one day to a friend he said:"I don't see how God can use me on the field. I have no special talent. His friend said:"My brother, God wants men on the field who can pray. There are too many preachers now and too few prayers." He went. In his own room in the early dawn a voice was heard weeping and pleading for souls. All through the day, the shut door and the hush that prevailed made you feel like walking softly, for a soul was wrestling with God.

To this home hungry souls would flock, drawn by some irresistible power. In the morning hours some would call and say:"I have gone by your home so many times and have longed to come in. Will you tell me how I can be saved?" Or from some distant place another would call saying:"I heard you would tell us here how we might find heart-rest."

Ah, the mystery was unlocked. In the secret chamber lost souls were pleaded for and claimed. The Holy Ghost knew just where they were and sent them. Mark this:If all who read these lines would thus lay hold on God, with the holy violence and unconquerable persistence of faith-filled prayer, a good many things would give way, against which we have been beating with our puny human wisdom and power in vain. If we want to see mighty wonders of divine grace and power wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God's standing challenge:"Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not" (Jer. 33:3).