
" The Modern Conflict over the Bible."

It is a matter of thankfulness" to God in this day of widespread departure from the true Christian faith and from the Bible as the Word of God, to hear a voice boldly raised against this apostasy-especially against the theological schools which have so largely become schools of destruction of the faith in the young men that attend them. We refer to a little book with the above title, written and published by Rev. G. W. McPherson, Supt. of the Old Tent Evangel Committee of New York City, for the express purpose of exposing and smiting this apostasy in the face. For book, address Rev. G. "W. McPherson, 34 St. Andrew's Place, Yonkers, N. Y.-price, 55 cents postpaid. May also be had of Loizeaux Brothers.

The following first pages of the book give an index to its general tenor :

"We are living in a time when an array of insidious falsehoods has been launched against the Bible, and these ingenious misrepresentations are masquerading under the guise of scholarship, and in the name of religion; it is known as ' the new theology.' It is to combat, to expose this new theology that God is calling His people everywhere these days.

"Of course we have no fear as to the future of the Bible -Truth can defend itself. When Deity ceases to exist, then the Bible will perish. But we are concerned for the sake of the Church of God, because of the insidious attacks on the integrity of the Bible.

" That there is a conflict to-day over the Bible, few would dare deny. It is not a conflict over science, for true science is the handmaid of religion. It is not a conflict over philosophy, when philosophy knows its place and keeps within its proper bounds :but it is a conflict over the Bible-its interpretation, history, inspiration, miracles, doctrines, authority.

" In the Bible certain claims are made as to creation, Christ, redemption, salvation, etc., all of which the new theology denies. The Bible is practically rejected by this school as the one great authority of the Christian religion. Many of the advocates of the new theology deny that which the Church has always believed to be fundamental in the Christian Faith. New theology teachers have accepted the philosophy of evolution and rationalism as their working hypotheses, as the principles by which they interpret all life, though oft-times in contradistinction to the claims and authority of the Bible. The new theology is assailing the inspiration of the Bible and the deity of Christ. The attack is made in some of our institutions of learning, both secular and sacred, and in not a few of the pulpits of so-called orthodox churches, with the result that the faith of many is being shipwrecked.

" In the light of these facts, the call is loud to-day to enlist in this warfare against the apostasy of the new theology. We should not fear a righteous struggle. Christianity was born in conflict, and by conflict only can it triumph. We have no sympathy with those who would pursue a policy of silence and non-interference with the propaganda of the new theology apostasy-all such are cowards and unworthy the name of Christian. Next to peace, we should like nothing better than a holy fight for God and His truth. The man who would not fight for righteousness, merits the contempt of all good men. God has called us to warfare, and we ask, Have we heard the call ? Have we enlisted ? Do our friends know where we stand ?

" The great question before us to-day is, What are the rank and file, the great mass of the Christian people, going to do with the Bible? Shall we believe, for example, the modern evolutionists, or the writers of the Bible? Shall we believe Spencer and Haeckel, or Moses, Christ and Paul ? These are the questions now prominently before the churches for decision. These questions are insistent; they will not be silenced; they call for an answer; we cannot dodge them-the fight is on! "

How serious and unspeakably sad is the condition of Protestant churches when such an arraignment can be made of them!-"Protestants! "whose glory and power has been the restoration of the Word of God to the people whom Rome had utterly despoiled. How are the mighty fallen through the surrender of their birthright, and gone in captivity to the enemy, to whose hands they surrender " the sword of the Spirit" (Eph. 6 :16, 17).

Will there be a return to God and the authority of His word ? The author of this book evidently hopes so, and looks for it. Would to God that Protestants would return and cleanse themselves of this apostasy and idolatry of infidel learning-of "science falsely so-called." But that unerring guide-God's Word-gives no such final outlook, whatever temporary or personal deliverance may be expected :" For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest He also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God:on them which fell, severity ; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in His goodness; otherwise thou also shalt be cut off" (Rom. n :21, 22). See also 2 Tim. 3:13:4:3; and 2 Thess. 2:7,8.

National Humiliation

It was welcome news two or three weeks ago to read the President's Proclamation, as requested by Congress, appointing the 30th of May as a day of humiliation before God, with prayer and fasting, in connection with the present great war devastating the world. For the past four years already of tragic events, the nations at war have been too proud to call nationally upon God to stay the awful scourge. The great prosperity of the last decades has intoxicated the nations, who in pride and fulness of bread, have repeated Israel's sin-" Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked" (Deut. 32 :15)-pride, pleasures, self-will and ungodliness have been rampant, and godly fear and God's Word largely set at naught. God grant there may be genuine humiliation with confession and return to God, at least in all those who bear the precious name of Christian. What an example and encouragement the book of Jonah, and the repentance of Nineveh, is to the world now! "As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked ; but that the wicked turn from his way, and live:turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways ; for why will ye die, O house of Israel" (Ezek. 33 :11).