Sowing and Reaping in His government God has established righteous and beneficent laws, in both the natural and spiritual kingdoms, which it behooves us to observe and joyfully obey. Conformity to them will ensure abundant blessing, as their transgression will bring corresponding sorrowful consequences. The apostle reminds the saints of this axiom of truth in Gal. 6:7-9, " Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
Material things reflect the spiritual. We plant seeds in the Spring-time, to develop, mature, and tear fruit by and by. So is youth the usual time when habits are formed and character receives direction. Oh that young Christians were thoroughly convinced that the reaping must be according to the sowing. Then, instead of settling down in spiritual idleness, faith would shake off slothful self-indulgence; time wasted on the world's magazines would be redeemed for better, more profitable and enduring things, with the blessed fruits reaped in measure here, but to the full by and by.
Serve where you are.
Occupy in the place where God has placed you, and work around you-in your own home, in your own town, in your neighborhood ; then, if God give you ability and strength for it, spread out on the right and on the left, but don't wait for a large or prominent field. "Distance lends enchantment" is a true proverb, and not a few look for something afar off, when opportunities and need lie all around. Cultivate the spot where you are, and help your neighbors. A sound gospel tract given to a family, with a few kind words, may be to them as the trickling in of the water of life; or the lending of an evangelical book, the introduction of new thoughts and a new life for them. It is the disposition of heart that we want-a heart in fellowship with Christ, ready to serve, to be little, to have the eye on the eternal issue instead of self. Lord, increase faith and love in all our hearts.
FRAGMENT A Conference for the consideration of prophetic subjects, in connection with our Lord's return, is appointed for the end of this month, in Philadelphia; we quote as follows:
"A Bible Conference on the Return of Our Lord, and Belated Events, is to meet in Philadelphia on May 28-30. The call is signed by over thirty pastors, representing different denominations. In the course of its deliberations, the Conference will take up for discussion the themes which, in these days of prophetic fulfilment, are uppermost in the minds of thoughtful Christians everywhere. The restoration of Israel to its own land is already apparently in process of fulfilment, and will, of course, be considered. Such an assembly should furnish a new impulse to missionary work at home and abroad, and should also give stimulus to prophetic study . . . The blessed hope of the world centers on Jesus Christ.
" We would ask that Christian people everywhere pray that the Conference may be wisely guided; that extreme views and all tendencies toward fanatical interpretation might be avoided, and that one result of such a gathering might he realized in a new consecration, a firmer trust in God and His goodness, a more loyal obedience to His will, with prayerful ness for the revealing of the divine purpose in the great trial through which the world is now passing."