(Ezek. 16:8; Song 2:10-13.)
In seeking to touch the heart of the nation, God goes back to the time of their first love-the love of their espousals. Hard as their heart may be now, there was a time when it was tender, when it felt the thrill of joy at knowing it was loved and of loving in return. In the Song of Solomon we have the voice of the Beloved calling away from all else to the enjoyment of Himself. The time of love for Israel had past, but for the Lord it still remained. Coming to ourselves, is it now "the time of love? or is it only as we think of the past that we see that time ?For Ephesus, it was past, and no works, diligence, and correctness could take its place with the Lord. Let us hear him telling us that it is His time of love now. He loves us just as much now as when He bore judgment for us on the cross. He would do as much again if necessary. Blessed forever be His precious name! His love knows no change. He speaks to us in love's own language, "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away."Think of His calling you His fair one? Are we fair ? are our hands clean ?We are that to Him, and if not practically that, what a shame to us! He must have us with Himself. Love wishes to be alone with its object, so He says, " Come away." Whatever your heart is occupied with to the exclusion of Him-come away from it.
What a fair scene lies before the eyes of love ! "The winter is past, the rain is over and gone ; the flowers appear on the earth ; the time of the singing of birds is come ; the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land." To sight, this earth is a barren waste, as far as true joy is concerned ; but if our hearts are in communion with the Lord, it is a "time of love" for us. We see the winter and rain of judgment over and gone-borne once for all on Calvary-the flowers of heaven are seen and its music heard in the soft quiet notes of the " heavenly Dove."
Dear brethren, is it thus with us-are we in our time of love ! Oh, how much we are missing if this is not true ! How much too we are robbing the Lord of, who longs for us even here to share His joy. In a little while it will be the time of love for all His people, let us anticipate that and pass on through this world with hearts filled and overflowing with His love, waiting only for one thing,-"to see His face and hear His voice."