To Correspondents.

Q. 21.- " Can you give any light upon 1 Cor. 1:18 – 'But unto us who are being saved, it is the power of God' ? (R.V.) King James's version gives "are saved," My Greek New Testament confirms the rendering of the Revised Version. Will you please give what you consider authority? Does not the rendering of the Revised Version clash with the truth of a known present salvation?"

Ans. – There is no doubt about the reading:all manuscripts agree. It is the present participle passive, and may well be rendered as the Revised Version, though the American revisers put it in the margin, and restore the old translation in the text. There is really no question ,of doctrine, however, as, being in the plural, it simply speaks of the successive salvation of the individuals of this" class, – " To us who are being saved [one after another]." This, of course, in no wise denies the completeness of the salvation to one who has received it, but only affirms that the salvation of men at large is not complete. Grace is adding to their number day by day.

At the same time, it is true also that, as to the individual, his" salvation is not in every sense complete. Prom guilt and condemnation it is, but there is a salvation which we work out day by day (Phil. 2:12, 13), as well as one we shall receive when the Lord comes (1 Pet. i, 5).