But "five barley loaves, and two small fishes,"
Among the five thousand, with all my wishes,
Seemed very small indeed.
"Two hundred pennyworth " was not enough that all "
A little" might "take." But thy gifts, however small,
Shall meet this pressing need.
"Bring them hither to Me," and with My blessing,
And with thine impotence frankly confessing,
" Give ye then? to eat."
Thy "seed " shall "multiply," thy bread shall not lack ;
And though it be but crumbs, I will bring it back-
Thy need I'll surely meet.
Then with my little I laid me at His feet,
And though it was my all, less were incomplete
For the service of love.
But hungry souls were fed with the bread of life,
While the bread for my food was " gathered " without
By strength from above. [strife
If I ate my little-brought it not to Him,
My " loaves" I would not have, nor yet to the brim
Of crumbs "twelve baskets" full!
There is, then, withholding, to poverty tending ;
But love distributes-"good works" commending,
And thus grace shall rule.