Q. 5.-" Please explain Jno. 20:22 in connection with Acts 1:8."
Ans.-In the passage in John we have a symbolic act. In creation, God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. In this passage we have the last Adam, a life-giving Spirit. The Lord as risen, and head of a new creation, confers that in the power of which alone we can walk according to that rule (Gal. 6:16). It is not necessary, however, to suppose that the Spirit was actually bestowed by the act of breathing, or at that time. Pentecost was the appointed time, and then they received, not till then, the promise of the Father. The blessings indicated in the gift of the Spirit in Acts and John are not different. There is no hint that the one is preliminary to the other. In both, power for service is the prominent thought, as may be seen from the context.
Q. 6.-"Explain the difference between 'fruit of righteousness' (Jas. 3:18) and 'fruit of the Spirit' (Gal. 5:22, 23)."
Ans.-The first gives us the outward manifestation-the character, the second gives us the source and power.
Q. 7._"What is the sin unto death (1 Jno. 5:16.)?"
Ans.-It is the sin of a brother, and of such a character that he must be removed under the chastening of God (1 Cor. 11:30). This of course does not mean that he is lost, but that his life here is no testimony for God, and he is taken from a scene where he fails to honor Him.