What Each True Believer Has Title To Sing Or Say.

Praises unto Jesus be!
From my sins He set me free,-
Paid in blood the dreadful score;
God remembers them no more.

Jesus is gone up on high,
Far above the azure sky:
'' To the face of God " is He; *
Yes, my soul, and there for thee.

He will come, and take me there-
What a meeting in the air!
He will take me to His home;
Come, Lord Jesus, come, O come!

Glory unto Jesus be!
He's forever all to me.
Glory unto Jesus be!
Now and to eternity.

*In the New Translation by J. N. D., Heb. 9:24 reads:"The Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear before the face of God for us." He adds this note. "Literally, to the face." And anyone consulting the original will see that to the face of God is the exact rendering. Doubtless the word "before" gives the sense of the word ''to." Moses, mediator of the covenant of works could not be "to" or "before the face of God." The Lord said to him, "Thou canst not see My face ; for there shall no man see Me, and live" (Ex. 33:20).Thus the old covenant served to prove that man can not be saved or stand before God on the ground of what he is or his works. But the covenant of grace fully meets the deep need. Through Jesus the Mediator, and by His blood-the blood of that covenant-all who truly believe are saved. Because He lives before the face of God they live also. Precious truth to the eye of faith.* R. H.