Answers To Correspondents

QUES. 6. What difference is between "peace with God" and " the peace of God " ?

ANS. "Peace with God," as mentioned in Rom. 5:1, is the result of believing what has been declared before in the first four chapters of the Epistle-the fallen state of man, his guilt, and the salvation provided by the grace of God through the atoning sacrifice of Christ. This brings peace-divine rest forever to the conscience.

" The peace of God,!; as it is called in Phil. 4:7, is in relation to oar circumstances. God is almighty. No matter what is going on, He is superior to all, able to make anything and everything serve His own ends and purposes of good. He ever dwells in peace therefore, for nothing can overcome Him. It is in that peace- His peace-we shall dwell too, if we live near enough to Him to be able "in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to let our requests be made known unto God" (ver. 6). Thus shall we be kept by His peace, even when human reasonings would overwhelm us. May we all know more what this is.