"Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers." A Lady married and unbelieving husband-in the face of 2 Cor 6:14, which was pointed out to her at the time. The result was severe trials, as only she and her God know. At the same time, the Father's loving hand has been realized through it all, and it is comforting to know that she is able to thus view it, and reap, as a consequence, the peaceable fruits of righteousness (Heb. 12:ii). Here is an extract from one of her letters :
" No, I'm not out of trouble yet, but it has brought a lesson that I probably never would have learned under happier circumstances. So many things are clear to me now that I never had any conception of before. It has strengthened me just where I was weakest; so I do not feel like complaining. Oh, I have been wonderfully blest in numberless ways-far beyond anything I deserve!
" This little home was not begun according to God s plan so how could I expect it to stand? You warned me once; but I thought he was so near the fold. What a foolish mistake ! He wasn't in it, and I was only trying to deceive myself, because I was thinking of self instead of the Master-of what I wanted to do, instead of what He would have me do. Now I am willing to walk in His way, whatever it is, no matter what privations or struggle it may mean. I am His to use just where and how He will."
Oh, may our gracious God speak to some of His dear children when about to enter into a union of any kind whatsoever, and bring them to complete, happy obedience to His holy Word. Truly "the way of the transgressor is hard," whether it be an unforgiven sinner or a child of God. And surely "the ways of the Lord are right."
Happy they who know the will of the Father, and do it. F. H. J.