Current Events

As the national restoration of Israel is intimately linked with the closing of the Christian dispensation and the rapture of the Church from earth to heaven, the late action of the Sultan of Turkey, and its results, cannot but deeply interest all who wait for our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven.

All hindrance to the return of the Jews to their land has been removed, and they are now free to flock into it as much as they desire.

The International Zionist Conference, recently held in Cologne, have accordingly adopted and proclaimed a program for the re-settlement of the Jewish people in their own land, which, seeing the immense emigration which has already begun from Russia, indicates a true fulfilment of Ezek. 37:The " dry bones " seem indeed to be "shaking" and "coming together, bone to his bone." Israel is looking on to a national restoration.

They little dream of what they are yet to pass through before they can be established according to God's great mind and love toward them. They have no thought of the "great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be " (Matt. 24:21), which is yet to deluge them in that very land of their right desires, but in which they called upon their own heads and those of their children the blood of Him who is the only King, able to make them the Royal Nation of the earth.

The Christian heart, knowing this, sorrows for them, while rejoicing at the glorious end the faithful remnant will surely get. They are going back to reap first the fruit of their awful crime against Immanuel; then the fruit of the infinite grace of that same Immanuel.

And we, beloved brethren, fellow-members of "the Church, which is His Body," what does all this say to us, save that we are near the end of our journey ? At any moment now we may see and hear our " Lord Himself descending from heaven with a shout" (i Thess. 4:16-18), to take us out of this scene of sorrow, and into His and our home of love and eternal rest. The heart upleapeth with joy, and says, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus."