Happy we in every care (364)

Happy we in every care,
Who trust Jesus!
Need we have a doubt or fear,
Who have Jesus?
Sweeter than the lark that sings,
With the morn upon her wings,
Be our joyful carolings:
"We have Jesus!"

All the night of sin is gone-
We have Jesus!
Come is the Eternal Sun,
Our own Jesus!
And though still we look within
On a heart that’s full of sin,
Still, whatever we have been,
We have Jesus!

Yes, for He for sinners came-
Blessed Jesus!
Bore the spitting and the shame-
Our Lord Jesus!
Bore the sinners heavy load,
Bowed beneath the wrath of God-
Shed for us His precious blood:
Our own Jesus!

Thus because the Saviour died-
Our Lord Jesus-
We who’ve nothing else beside-
We have Jesus!
We, with nothing of our own,
Clinging unto Him alone,
On the tried foundation stone,
Rest in Jesus.

Men and things are failing fast,
Only Jesus
Will remain when time is past-
None but Jesus!
Soon, the short, rough voyage o’er,
We shall sing upon the Shore,
Ever and forever more:
"We have Jesus!"