O Saviour, Shepherd-Lord above (328)

O Saviour, Shepherd-Lord above,
When wandering sheep were we,
Thou soughtest us in wondrous love,
And shall we not love Thee?
Shall we not love the Lowly One
Who sorrow’s pathway trod-
Whose words an deeds of love have shown
Our hearts the heart of God?

Shall we not love Thee, Jesus, Lord,
Who for us bore the scorn,
The scoff, the blow, the scourging cord,
The cross, the crown of thorn?
Shall we not love Thee, who couldst bear
Through mighty love for us,
In Thine own holy body there,
Our sins upon the cross!

We love Thee, O Thou knowest, Lord,
And wait for Thee to come,
That we, according to Thy word,
With Thee may be at home.
Yet teach us ever more to love,
Too serve, to worship Thee,
Till all Thine own, caught up above,
Thy face in glory see.

  Author: Frank Allaben