Come all who trust in Christ, the Lord (319)

Come all who trust in Christ, the Lord,
Whose sins are all forgiven,
His name exalt with one accord,
And taste the joy of heaven.

Then praise Him! praise Him! And His name adore.
Praise Him! praise Him! Both now and evermore.

Praise Him for all the matchless worth,
Which in Himself we see;
The triumphs of His love tell forth,
And sing, He died for me.

Praise Him for all His present love,
As Priest and Advocate:
He pleads our cause in heaven above,
While here for Him we wait.

Praise Him for all we hope to be,
When called from earth away;
And raised or changed His face we see,
In heaven’s bright cloudless day.

Then with the mighty ransomed host,
The purchase of His blood,
We’ll raise our song, and make our boast
In Christ, the Lamb of God.