Heirs of salvation, chosen of God (185)

Heirs of salvation, chosen of God,
Past condemnation, sheltered by blood,
Even in Egypt feed we on the Lamb,
Keeping the statues of God, the I Am.
In the world around, ’tis night;
Where the feast is spread ’tis bright;
Israel’s God is Israel’s light:
‘Tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus, our Saviour from above,
‘Tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus, whom we love.

Pilgrims and strangers, captives no more,
Wilderness rangers, sing we on shore;
God in His power parted hath the sea;
Foes all are perished, His people are free!
By the pillar safely led,
By the manna daily fed,
Now the heavenward way we tread;
‘Tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus, our Shepherd here below,
‘Tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus whom we know.

Canaan-possessors, safe in the land,
Victors, confessors, banner in hand;
Jordan’s deep waters evermore behind,
Cares of the desert no longer in mind.
Egypt’s stigma rolled away,
Canaan’s corn our strength and stay,
Triumph we the livelong day!
‘Tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus, the Christ of God alone,
‘Tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus, ’tis Jesus whom we own.

  Author:  Anon