Lo, from vessels, earthen only (181)

Lo, from vessels, earthen only,
Shining forth in ceaseless grace,
Reaching weary hearts, and lonely,
Beams the light from Jesus’ face!

Earthen vessels, marred, unsightful,
Bearing Wealth no thought can know:
Heavenly Treasure, gleaming brightly-
Christ revealed in saints below!

Vessels, broken, frail, yet bearing
Through the hungry ages on
Riches given with hand unsparing-
God’s great Gift, His precious Son!

O to be but empty, lowly,
Mean, unnoticed and unknown,
Yet to God a vessel holy,
Filled with Christ, and Christ alone!

Nought of earth to cloud the Glory!
Nought of self the Light to dim!
Telling forth Christ’s wondrous story:
Broken, empty-filled with Him!