What kind of music should teens listen to?
There may not be any “pat answer” to this question, but there are plenty of guidelines in the Scriptures to help us in deciding what the Lord would have us listen to. Here are a few that I have thought of:
2) “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15). To better understand this guideline, and how it applies to listening to music, let’s go back several thousand years to when this “world” that John was speaking of began. Read Genesis 4:1-22. Here we read, that after Cain refused to approach God in His way, and after he killed his brother Abel, he “went out from the presence of the Lord” (vs. 16). He then married, had children, built a city, and his children had children, who became the inventors of agriculture (vs. 20), MUSIC (vs. 21), and industry (vs. 22). Cain walked away from God and proceeded to make a world without God. All of their inventions were designed to try to make themselves happy and to make their life meaningful WITHOUT GOD. There was nothing wrong with farming, music, or manufacturing, but Cain and his descendants used these THINGS to drown out the voice of God and to actually replace God with them (that is what an idol is: anything that is more important to us than God). So the danger for the Christian is that SOMETHING (whether it be MUSIC or ANYTHING) might become more important to us than God. I believe there can be music which is actually addictive and can become an idol to us. One young person said to me recently that he listened to Christian Rock “all day long,” and that he couldn’t imagine living without it.
3) “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE…HONEST…JUST …PURE…LOVELY…OF GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE; if there be any PRAISE, THINK ON THESE THINGS” (Philippians 4:8). Most music will produce thoughts! Do we listen to music which is conveying God’s thoughts or the world’s thoughts? And if it is “Christian” music, are we able to hear the message being conveyed, or just a lot of jamming guitars and beating drums? Now I’m not implying that we can’t listen to music to appreciate the various sounds that are produced by various instruments, but we must judge whether or not those sounds are producing “good thoughts” or “evil thoughts” in our minds.
In conclusion, let me say that God is not opposed to music (see 1 Samuel 16:23; 2 Samuel 6:5; Psalm 150:3-5), but He is against any music which would: 1) Dishonor Him; 2) Displace Him in our hearts; or 3) Produce bad thoughts in our minds.