While the "Higher Critics" are, in the Satanic energy which marks them more and more, sapping down as far as lies in them all the foundations of Christianity, handling deceitfully what they still allow of the word of God, cutting off this and adding their own thoughts to that, and thus bringing upon their own heads the awful sentence, "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book" (Rev. 22 :18, 19); while, we say, they are busy destroying, God who has given us the precious Book, as surely and manifestly as He has planted the sun in the heaven, is still using it throughout the earth in the power which is vested in it. Power ? Do we not remember as if only yesterday the mighty deliverance it brought to our tormented souls many years ago, through just one little verse of it which told of righteousness accomplished forever for the sinner by the cross of Christ ?
Did it not in one moment transfer the affections from the world to Christ, and turn the living for self into a craving and lasting desire to live for that adorable, precious Saviour? Have we not all along these years, under the simple preaching of that word, seen continuously the same mighty effect in others ? " Publicans and sinners" set free from the guilt and power of sin and set walking steadfastly in the paths of holiness? "Scribes and Pharisees" turned out of their pride and self-righteousness and bowing at the feet of Jesus as their only righteousness in a meek and worshipful spirit? Yes, before the very eyes of these destroyers of the faith, from one end of the land to the other, God is still honoring His holy Word, not only throughout the land, as we have witness again and again, but throughout the earth.
In a report of the Bible Society of France which has lately reached us appears the following :" Here is the case of an eminent professor of the University of France who, after saying that he has just finished reading our new version of the New Testament, adds:The old order of things is crumbling,* but to pull down is not enough; there must be rebuilding; and what can do this but the reading of the pure and simple word of God which produces in upright souls that solid faith which Roman Catholic education has failed to give us. *Referring doubtless to the dissolution of Church and State which convulsed France for a time.* Yesterday, two of my friends, one a professor of Mathematics, the other a retired lieutenant colonel, came to me to get an explanation of i Tim. 2:5. 'There is one mediator between God and men.' We dwelt on the subject together for three hours. We, Roman Catholics, are virgin souls in this respect. We are amazed and wonder as we read the Word. It is a new world which opens suddenly to our view. It is not always easy to seize the true doctrine at once, blinded as we are by our prejudices and dogmas. But what a solid foundation for the development of our souls."
Another case, that of a parish priest:"Oh wing to your liberality, I have been able to distribute the Gospels and even the New Testament in whole to the earnest souls, not only in my parish, but also in neighboring parishes, and they have been thankfully received. The effect is already manifest. As they read, the state of their mind becomes so changed that I have seen bitter hatreds melt away as the snow before the sun, and love of an enduring sort prevail. It is indeed "the word of life."
Again, from another priest:"The children of my parish are delighted with the New Testaments. Two weeks after receiving hers, a young girl of fifteen (one of the brightest of my people) had reached the Acts of the Apostles. 'You love to read the book?' Tasked. 'Oh yes, every evening!' ' Do you love the Lord Jesus more by it?' 'My whole heart goes after Him, and I am getting acquainted with Him!' I thought to myself, the word of the Lord in the heart of that child is worth more than all my catechizing talk. Indeed let it talk, for I preach no more sermons, but only teach the Word.
Another little girl complains that her father is so in love with her Testament that she can scarcely get the use of it. This is the fifty-eighth copy I have given out. I press it on more. I speak of its blessed contents, then leave them to ask for it. Often, it is a child who brings a request from a neighbor. Two weeks after, I call, and often find at once the blessed effects of the use of the Book."
In the Philippine Islands also a blessed work is going on. A report contains the following words, "The great feature of the work has been the remarkable thirst for the word of God, all being anxious to know simply what God Himself says. As a result of this zealous seeking of the truth, the experience is that those who have professed to receive the Saviour show it in their changed lives, and everyone is aware of the fact. Then, the minds of all being stayed upon God and stored with Scripture, there is no backsliding."
How cheering is all this. What an incentive to "preach the word" steadfastly, uncompromisingly, lovingly, in every place in which the Lord of the harvest may have cast our lines. Let it be without mixture, without catering to the spirit of the times, without being inflated by success or disheartened by drought, and the day shall reveal that "our labor has not been in vain in the Lord."