God’s Truth and the Disciple’s State of Soul

        I see increasingly in Scripture that you cannot take up the directions that are so plainly marked out in God’s Word with reference to any time in our history or to any conduct that God looks for from His children, apart from moral condition. That I see everywhere in Scripture. You might have the most perfect code of directions marked out by God, but what good are they to me if my condition of soul is not in some way answering to them? I cannot use them for myself unless I am walking with God; and you will find that this is the way people break down. It is in the application of the truth where they break down, rather than in their intelligence of it.

        There must be a condition of soul suited to God Himself before I can really take His truth and use it for myself in the clearing away of difficulties or in the marking out of my path in the midst of all the confusions in which I find myself enveloped in these times.

        This is very important for every one of us, old or young, because, be assured of it, half the difficulties of saints of God arise from their condition of soul. It is the state people are in that produces the difficulties; and I do not know anything more detrimental than handling the things of God if I am not in communion. I do not know anything that is more searing to the conscience, or that has a more lowering effect upon the whole moral tone of a man, than to take up the things of God out of communion. It has a peculiarly deadening effect upon the soul. That is the reason why I believe you will see, everywhere in Scripture, that there is no thought in God’s mind of a saint of God, either in his individual walk, or as a member of the Church of God, being led apart from that moral quality and tone of soul, under the power of His Spirit. Be assured there is no provision of God for saints not walking with Him. That is an important thing to get clearly before our souls. God has made no provision available to us, apart from characteristics in us, suitable to Himself. Without this, you cannot get people to see and comprehend the things of God; and that is where I think the harm and mischief has been, that there have been attempts to educate people into God’s things. You can never do it. It is through moral condition of soul, and this alone, that we are able truly to discern the mind of God.

                (From “The Resources of Faith Amidst Present Confusion.”)