In Revelation 1:10 we find the expression "the Lord’s Day". John was in the Spirit on that day,
and received communications from the Lord for the saints in Asia. In I Cor. 11:20, we get the
expression, "the Lord’s Supper". Can anyone question what is the meaning of this? Is it not
clearly the Lord’s supper in contradistinction to every one eating his own supper in verse 21? Now
when the day is spoken of, precisely the same word is used. It is peculiarly His day, and His
supper, _ a day and a supper which He claims as His. His supper, too, was observed on His day.
Neither the day, then, nor the supper are common. Shall we treat them as common? What would
we think of a man who held that he could treat the Lord’s supper as his own? This is the very
thing the saints at Corinth were doing, and for which the Lord was rebuking them. But it is His
day as well as His supper, and if we are not at liberty to treat the supper as our own, are we at
liberty to treat His day in this manner? I appeal to the reader’s sense of what is right and fitting
in the light of these Scriptures. I would ask, is it either right or fitting that we should take that day
which He calls His, and use it for our own pleasure or temporal advantage? If His supper is
devoted entirely to a holy and joyful remembrance of Him in His death and sufferings for us, and
not for the gratification of our appetites, shall we not as carefully observe the day as devoted to
Him and His things? But it is to be feared that not a few think that if they go to the meeting on that
day and break bread, when the meeting is over, then they are free to spend the remainder of the
day as they please. Alas! it only shows what and where our poor hearts are! He has not the first
place in them; His claim is ignored; and He is practically shut out by self-interest and worldliness.
It is but right that we should cease from our ordinary labors and activities and devote the day to
Him in a way in keeping with its character, occupying ourselves with spiritual things which will
be for profit to our own souls and the souls of others and thus bring honor to His holy Name. May
the Lord give us to be sensitive to all that affects His glory, and to prove the blessedness of
faithful and loving obedience to all His revealed will.