I write as a young man to young men. My object is two-fold. I desire to realize for myself and to
place before others something of the responsibilities and privileges of the Christian life.
We remember the day we were converted, how, in the early feelings of "first love" we determined
to be, and to do for God. Let us sit down now and ask ourselves, "Have we realized our
intentions? Have we been what God intended us to be?" Let us face the question squarely and
answer it honestly.
And if not, what has been the cause? Without doubt, it has been divided affections. Then it was
Christ alone; since then it has been, many a time and often, Christ and something else. What that
"something else" may have been, each one knows for himself. But it has meant loss of power. Six
times over it is said of Caleb, "He wholly followed the Lord"; and what a power he was, and what
a hero he became! (Joshua 14:6-15). Young men of Caleb’s type are wanted today as ever
_separated from the world_out and out for God_devoted to Christ_young men in whom the
Holy Spirit of God not only dwells, but RULES. These are a few of their needed characteristics.
Are they ours? If not, let us seek them and let us be in earnest. Let us weigh all our words and
actions in view of the judgment-seat of Christ and in the light of eternity.
What will this produce? A greater desire to be here for God, and a more genuine love for the Lord
Jesus Christ. Self and self-pleasing will be lost sight of, and we shall go out into the world with
a real desire to see souls saved, and blessed with the joy and peace that we ourselves possess. Oh!
my fellow young men, I am convinced God could do great things with us did we but let Him* Do
I speak to one who is yet undecided?
I beseech you to remain so no longer. Life is short and eternity very near. Enlist now under the
banner of the cross, and boldly own the Lord Jesus Christ as your Master and Lord. There is the
deepest possible joy in His company; there is the greatest possible reward in His service; and there
is in Him the highest possible ideal set before you to shape your life and actions by. "Choose you
this day whom ye will serve."