Creation IV

Foundations of Faith

Wonders and Beauties of God’s Creation (Continued)

We could easily take up the next several issues of GROWING with a consideration of the many wonders and beauties of God’s creation. But let us conclude by listing just a few of the many evidences found in the universe that point to a Creator-God.

1. The high degree of order of our universe, given that all things, left to themselves without human or divine intervention, tend to run down, decay, and deteriorate.

2. The balance between gravitational force and electromagnetic force in stars:if the strength of gravity were altered by one part in 10^40, all stars would be either red dwarfs or blue giants and suns supporting planets with life could not exist.

3. The holding together of the nucleus of the atom. Except for hydrogen atoms, each atomic nucleus has two or more positively charged protons along with neutrons. Just as the positive poles of two magnets repel each other, so the protons in a nucleus will naturally repel each other. Unless there is an extremely strong force holding the nucleus together, the nucleus will fly apart. Physicists have no idea what holds the nucleus together, but they have invented a term for it:the “strong nuclear force.” I suggest that Christ Himself is the strong nuclear force, for the Bible says that “by Him all things [hold together]” (Col. 1:17).

4. Surface tension of water (why water rises from roots to tops of trees).

5. The multi-step blood clotting system (why clotting stops once the open wound is “bandaged” and does not keep on clotting until the arteries are completely clogged).

6. The body’s immune system (how the human body is prepared at a moment’s notice to produce zillions of just the right kind of antibodies to attack an invading army of viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms).

When Did Genesis 1 Take Place?

There are a number of different theories held by Christians as to the timing of the creation events described in Genesis 1. These include the gap theory, the young universe theory, the young earth old universe theory, the day-age theory, and the theistic evolution theory, among many others. A description of each of these theories and arguments both for and against each one will now be presented. The writer does not find any of these theories totally satisfactory—either scientifically or scripturally—and believes we may have to wait until we are able to talk to the Creator in person before we can know for certain which—if any—of these theories is correct.

The Gap Theory. The creation of “the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1) may have taken place billions of years ago—as claimed by scientists. There may have been plant and animal life on the earth during this time. Something—possibly the fall of Satan —caused the earth to be totally covered by water (Gen. 1:2). Then in six literal days about 6,000 years ago God reformed the heavens and the earth specifically for the creation of man in His own image (Gen. 1:3-27). A verse in Isaiah (45:18) is used to argue that God did not originally create the earth in the condition described in Gen. 1:2. However, if we consider Isa. 45:18 in its context, this may not be an appropriate interpretation. A stronger argument for the Gap Theory comes from the Hebrew structure of Gen. 1:1,2:The past tense is used in the first two verses while the present tense is used in the rest of the chapter, suggesting a break between the initial creation of “the heaven and the earth” and the six days. Historically, the Gap Theory is said to have been formulated in the early 1800’s to accommodate claims by geologists that the earth is billions (rather than thousands) of years old. However, to the writer’s knowledge, there is little scientific evidence to support an earth previously filled with plant and animal life but becoming “without form and void” about 6,000 years ago.

The Young Universe Theory. Gen. 1:2 describes the state of the earth immediately after God formed it and the six literal days of creation tell how God shaped and populated the earth. Contrary to claims by scientists, the universe is only a few thousand years old. All of the geological formations, fossils, and fossil fuel deposits can be explained by the world-wide flood of Gen. 6-8. Those who promote this theory discount the carbon-14 and other dating methods used by scientists, saying these methods are based on unprovable assumptions. (However, their own theories are also based upon unprovable assumptions.) They also claim that God created the universe with merely an appearance of great age some 6,000 years ago. Some object that this theory portrays God as a deceiver.

The Old Universe, Recent Creation of Life Theory. This is kind of a cross between the first two theories; it allows for a universe and earth billions of years old but no life on earth prior to the six days of Genesis 1 about 6,000 years ago. Again, fossils and fuel deposits are explained by the flood.

The Day-Age Theory. The six days in Genesis 1 represent six long periods of time, each period marked by God’s direct formation and creation of new heavenly and geological features and new life forms. One argument for this theory is that the events of the sixth day (Gen. 1:26-31; 2:19-22) seem to cover much more than 24 hours. It is also argued that the Hebrew word for “day” is sometimes used in the Old Testament for long periods of time (such as Prov. 4:18; Eccl. 7:14; Isa. 2:11, 12); however, such use is infrequent. Also, the repeated use of the expression, “and the evening and the morning were the third day,” in Genesis 1 would seem to argue against this theory.

An argument sometimes made for the Recent Creation of Life Theory and against the Gap and Day-Age Theories is that “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin” (Rom. 5:12). The opposing argument is that the next phrase specifically applies this to the death of man:“death passed upon all men.”

The Theistic Evolution Theory. God created the universe with a built-in program that would bring about by so-called “natural causes” the formation of chemical elements, heavenly bodies, planets, life, and ultimately man.

(To be continued.)

Running the Race
Assignment 14: (a) What arguments, if any, can you think of in favor of the Theistic Evolution Theory? (b) What arguments, if any, can you think of in opposition to this theory?