(Continued from page 247.)
The prominent feature of the work of this day is separation. In considering it, we must speak a little of the physical aspects of what God does, and see what spiritual lessons may be drawn therefrom. Spiritually, separation is plainly the next step after the work of the first day, which closed with its lesson that those who believe are "children of the day"; all others are children of the night. It is natural that we should now see them set apart to their own sphere, and learn there the functions and blessings which belong to it. They are a people separated through the sanctification of the Spirit unto the obedience of Jesus Christ (i Peter i:2). For this He first brings in the Light. He must first of all have the full manifestation of that obedience unto which His people are separated. So God separates the waters from the waters by bringing in the expanse and the activities carried on in it. Through the agencies at work in this expanse, waters are continually drawn up, and there purified and used for blessing to a parched earth. This illustrates the work of the Spirit in new birth, with its holy and blessed results. As in the previous day division had been effected between Light and Darkness, so now between the tumultuous, stormy waters below and the purified waters of blessing above. It is the children of day who, spite of their weakness, are in true blessing to a world in sin and ruin. All this tells the activities of the Holy Spirit, who, rising as it were from the brooding over the watery waste, stretches out heavenly wings to lift up high above the earth those waters (sinners saved by grace),and fit them both for God's enjoyment and the blessing of those who are yet of the night. Thus, as to position, they are above the earth, not of it any more. Their activities also are heavenly, though they be for the earth's blessing-all through the work of the Spirit of God.
The density of the dark and misty atmosphere which enshrouded the earth has been dissipated by
the bringing in of the expanse. The light is therefore diffused, and illuminates the whole scene. It is skylight. So the separation of God's people from the world is the diffusion of the light in which the Spirit has placed them.
The bringing in of this expanse was absolutely essential to all that pertains to life and its maintenance. So is the separation of God's people in the power of the Holy Spirit essential to all that pertains to eternal life and the maintenance of its outcome in the earth. A people professing to be God's, and walking on a level with the world, are no longer fit to be His instruments of blessing.
This expanse is the great reservoir of celestial heat. It tempers and retains the rays of light in the way the creature needs it. So God's separated people, furnished by the word of God, are God's depositary of truth for its distribution and ministry to all the world, according to the working of the Holy Spirit, who gives to each one such ability as He sees fit.
The expanse holds the light of departing day, and graduates the brilliancy of the dawning light, thus adapting the light and the shades of evening to our comfort. Thus does God give wisdom to a people in communion with Himself so to adapt the truth to the needs of men as to bring peace and rest through it.
It is also the medium of sound, and without it all the delights of human speech, music, etc., would be impossible. Dead silence would reign. It would be but a vast grave. Thus, apart from what the Spirit of God produces in a people separated to Him, what sound would there be heard on earth for the blessing of man, were there not a people who would hear the sound of the gospel of God's grace? And were that hushed, what sound would there be? What other sound is there whose music abides forever ? What tremendous things are in sound! An angelic choir sounding out in the expanse, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men," has gladdened and set free millions of burdened hearts.
This expanse, laden with vapor, subdues and softens the dazzling brightness of the light which would otherwise be overpowering. The light thus becomes a transforming instead of destructive power (a Cor. 3:18). Without the expanse there would be no aerial perspective or gradation of color in the landscape; 1:e., we would not obtain a comprehensive view of objects, nor perceive the harmonious color effects which pervade nature. Thus, only through the Spirit do we get the proper perspective view of God's works and actions, and only so do we perceive the harmonious glories which fill them all.
Well may we exclaim with the psalmist, '' Praise Him in the expanse of His power" (lit., Ps. 150:i); and truly "the expanse showeth the work of His hands" (Ps. 19:i), whether in the natural or the spiritual realm. It is in the domain of the Spirit that we alone can trace aright the finger of God displayed in power, and see, wonder-filled and amazed, the marvelous works of His hand. May we enter into the domain thus opened up to us by the presence and indwelling of the Spirit of God, whose loving service it is to reveal the deep things of God to us (1 Cor. 2:10). J. B.