
Aberdeen, Scotland,

August 30, 1909.

Dear Mr. Editor :

I observe in May number of help and food a query regarding verses 25 and 26 of John n.

Will you allow a few lines regarding the most interesting statement the Lord makes to Martha, as answering her words in verse 24:"Jesus said unto her (25), I am the resurrection, and the life." It seems to me that the Lord is here undoubtedly referring to the body. It is not a question of how Lazarus stood with God; so He puts resurrection first. If it had been his state with God, it would, I think, be, " I am the life, and the resurrection." And now, " He that believeth in Me, though he were dead (the body), yet shall he live (the body):and whosoever liveth (alive in the body) and believeth in Me shall never die" (the body). This statement, from the Lord Himself, is the first presentation of that glorious fact which is enlarged on in i Thess. 4:13-18, and i Cor. 15:51-56.

The latter scripture (verse 57) here mentioned, places the soul in the moral power now of that moment which we are taught to wait for, and to work (verse 58) in the hope of. Yours in Christ,

David Souter.