
"Faith is not a force or power which the individual can use or manipulate at his pleasure. It is not some natural force of human character that can be lessened or increased at the will of the individual. Faith does not produce any of the grand truths which it makes real to the soul. The scientist does not create a single fact nor a single atom of what he discovers; he can but seek for and point out that which is already in existence. And so with faith:it does not create a single truth, but it does make truths already existent good to the soul. The only thing we can hope to do is to simply discover what God has for us as a fact, and by faith receive it-appropriate it. It is so with salvation; with our acceptance in Christ; our boldness to enter the holies by the blood of Christ:the facts are there, and it is the province of faith to make them real to the soul. The blessed fact in all this is that all the precious truth has its source in God-faith neither adds to nor takes away from it-it is of God, and stands in all His stability and perfection. Well for us that it is so. _F. H. J.