Work In The Home-land


BELLEVILLE, ONT. C. Ernest Tatham has been with the assembly at Bethel Hall, giving evangelistic and prophetic addresses, during the last three weeks of November.

DESERONTO, ONT., Dec. 1. – The people of God will be glad to hear that I have had the privilege of preaching the Gospel for over four months among the French people, and that God was pleased to bless His Word. A Roman Catholic, converted last year, asked me to baptize him, and opened his home for gospel meetings. Another left the Church of Rome, others were exercised, and inquiring as to the ways of God. I could not respond to all the invitations from Protestants and Catholics.

I also was enabled to give out around a thousand Gospels (granted by The Scripture Gift Mission) and a few thousand tracts, but not without opposition and persecution. In a good-sized town where I had visited the priests, the children were set against me, and followed wherever I went, warning the people not to take the books, and finally, at night, they surrounded the car, and would have done mischief if the Lord had not helped me to flee to another town. I was chased from homes, a man sought to throw me out of his store, I was insulted and mocked, but nevertheless I had interesting conversations with some, spent an evening over the Scriptures with a Jewish merchant and a Rabbi, who were attentive and very interested as to Christ, the Rabbi asking:How could Christ, if He was the Son of God, die?

I had also the joy of preaching the Gospel to a full house of Roman Catholics and Protestants at the funeral of the sister of one of the believers.

As the result of tract distribution, a few wrote for a Bible, New Testament, Gospels and literature. God be praised! May He be pleased to bless His Word!

In the section where I was, some of the French Catholics and Protestants are so poor, that I made an appeal for old clothes to two assemblies in Toronto. They responded well, and sent 570 lbs. of things which I gladly distributed. How glad and thankful the people were to get them. One has not only to give the Gospel, but to help in every way possible, for the glory of God, and to win hearts.

Kindly pray for the work, and for the workers.



HARBOR ISLAND, Nov. 1st.-Brother R. Jewers is paying us a visit for a few weeks. He has been speaking on the truth of the Church as the body of Christ, a great mystery, hidden in the past, but now revealed.

We have greatly enjoyed this ministry, and desire the prayers of the saints that many may be turned from darkness to His marvelous light, and all the praise redound to His precious Name alone.-Wm. A. Cash.


SAN DIEGO, CALIF., Nov. 29th.-Just returned from a three-month trip to Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Found many open doors, both for ministry to God's people and the gospel to the unsaved. Thank God for a little reaping mixed with the much sowing, and we believe eternity will reveal much more fruit. We are looking forward to a good attendance and much blessing at our New Year Conference. Join us in prayer for this. –E. A. BUCHENAU.

ISLAMORADA, FLA. C. C. Johnson writes encouragingly of the work at this place where he has been having meetings during the past month.

About a year ago a building was erected here for meetings, and since then several have been added to the assembly, a good outside interest is manifest, and the Sunday School work is growing.

He also says:"Along the Key Coast there is great need of a gospel wagon to bring the children to Sunday School, and to carry the gospel to the different settlements. May He open the way for it."

LUBBOCK, TEX. T. W. Carroll and Fred Elliot have held meetings at this place during October and part of November. Brother Carroll writes:"The interest has been good, and hundreds have come out to hear the precious truth from night to night. There seems to be a growing desire on the part of many to want to know the Word better and walk in the truth." Brother Elliot writes:The Lord seemed to definitely lead brother Carroll and myself here to take up and carry on a work of grace that has been prospering under brother Walter Feely for the past eighteen months. He and his wife have moved to Evanston, Ill, to occupy for Christ there. It is wonderful how the precious things we have enjoyed for so long are appreciated by His sheep when they are brought to them, but how they have been kept in ignorance, and both they and our Lord Jesus Christ robbed by the miserable Nicolaitanism of modern Christendom. We are doing what we are able by preaching and teaching to establish souls, and are encouraged by the response to the truth. About 20 meetings a week, all told, between us, and the interest keeps up well.