Work In The Home-land


OAKLAND, CALIF., May 23. – Brother C. E. Tatham, after two weeks' meetings here with helpful ministry for young and old, has gone on to Portland. We now have brother G. H. McCandless with us for a season, and look forward to a profitable time together.

Brother Matlock has been encouraged in the little meeting in Stockton, where he baptized three on Lord's Day. The saints there have been passing through a time of severe trial owing to the depressed business conditions and to sickness.

An open-air meeting at Walnut Creek, before the meeting in a church building on Sunday nights, has developed a little interest which we trust may increase.


ST. LOUIS, MO., May 25. Brother J. H. Fleming, of Minneapolis, Minn., was with us, at Kossuth Avenue Gospel Hall, from May 13 to 20, inclusive, and gave six very interesting and helpful addresses. His stay with us was fraught with mutual blessings-ours, through his ministry, and his, through his hearty reception by brethren.–GEO. PRINSTER.

The Lord in His goodness continues to give encouragement. Have recently visited Pensacola, Fla., where He allowed us to see fruit four years ago. The saints there received us joyfully and are anxious that there be a meeting established there so that they may meet according to the Word. Pray for them, brethren.

At Raiford Prison, Florida, a jewel robber who has stolen millions of dollars in jewels has accepted Jesus as Saviour. A remarkable case. He asked that Christians will pray that his wife also may see the gospel light.

At Masonville (Baltimore, Md.), where we have been for a week, there is a small, new assembly, and the Lord has shown His presence in blessing. Six so far profess to be saved.-Thos. H. Lacey.

BALTIMORE, MD., May 25, 1934. – Thomas Lacey stopped in Baltimore for ten days on his way north from Florida. He has a gospel car and travels with his family, wife and three children. Brother Lacey took the gospel car to the little community of Masonville, south of Baltimore, and had nightly preaching in our mission hall. Six confessed the Lord, one each night of the meetings. The people appreciated the Laceys living in their midst.

At Masonville there is a growing Sunday School of 50 to 60 children, many of whom have been saved. The teachers are young people from the Arunah Avenue Meeting. There is also a small and young assembly for which we ask your prayers.

Every assembly would do well to have one of more such missions to reach souls. The young people are generally ready to work in the Master's harvest field.
-A. S. Loizeaux.

KEY WEST, FLA., May 23.-We returned two weeks ago from a trip to Miami, Zephyrhills, Tampa and Islaniorada. The last named is on the Florida keys, where a little gospel hall has been built through the efforts of brother Cope Johnson of Key West. In each place the saints were encouraged and cheered, and the gospel went forth. We trust fruit will be seen in that day, when all shall be brought to light, and He shall receive the glory due unto His name.

Here at Key West the Lord is blessing His Word. Many Christians are attending regularly, and are receiving help and blessing from the Word. The attendance is good, with a full house Sunday nights for the old, old story. Brethren, pray for us. This world needs Christ, and His people need Him. May His Word be blessed to many. We expect to move to Miami in about two weeks, to make our home there.-A. Van Ryn.

DETROIT, MICH., 5250 Maplewood Ave., May 24.-It is probable that this will be our headquarters for some time, due to the recent addition of a little daughter to our family. There is much encouraging activity in the Lord's things in this vicinity; the Lord's people may well be active when we consider the crying need everywhere round us.

The last of the monthly Young People's Rallies for the season was held May 19th, with several hundred in attendance. We had a very helpful message from Neil Fraser, recently returned from a missionary trip to the West Indies. These meetings have brought very precious ministry to those attending, as well as serving to draw the Lord's people closer together. The Young People's Group is planning a tent campaign for the summer, and we trust there will be encouragement and fruit.

The assembly at Dearborn, Mich., has been encouraged by the salvation of several there during the ministry of Chas. Major, who was with them for several weeks.

Lawrence Chambers has recently concluded his series of addresses on the Tabernacle at the North End Hall in Detroit. These were much enjoyed.

I spent a few days at Sturgis, Midi., recently. It is encouraging to see the splendid work the assembly is carrying on. Not only do they bear a bright testimony in their little city, but many are active in the open-air, in churches, schools and homes through the surrounding district, while they frequently have the joy of seeing souls confess Christ. We often speak of the spiritual darkness of these days, and the gross indifference to spiritual things which prevails in the world round about us, and these are undeniable, but when we see the activity and blessing in a little assembly gathered out only a few years ago, like that at Sturgis, it makes us wonder if the lack of encouragement is not due to our condition, as well as that of the world. The desire of the Father for the salvation of souls is the same as ever, the work of the blessed Son on the cross is efficacious now as ever, the power of the Spirit is the same, the Word is the same, so may we be encouraged to wield the Sword of the Spirit, till He come.-Charles E. Lacey.


BLACK CAPE, QUE., May 22.-After having been away in New Brunswick for a while I expect, D.V., next week to go down the coast ISO miles, to Gaspe, and there seek to hold forth the Word of life. There is no gospel light in the place, and the people are in the dark as to the truth of salvation. I intend to try to visit some of such unreached parts this Summer as the Lord may enable. Tracts are a valuable aid in this kind of work. Back numbers of "Messenger of Peace" are ideal for placing in the homes.-S. Stewart.

DESERONTO, ONT., April 25.-I was in Toronto for five weeks, though I had expected to be there not more than two, but the Lord opened doors beyond my expectation, and I was privileged to give talks on the work amongst the French R. C. of Canada, their needs, and how to reach them with the Gospel.

Now I am at home getting things ready to launch forth. There is plenty to do, for three millions of French people here have not yet been reached with the Gospel, and are under the complete power of Rome, and know nothing of the joy of salvation through faith in Christ.

This season, D. V., I hope to do a little differently than in previous years. Besides the general distribution of Scriptures and tracts I have been exercised to locate in certain French sections and to work the places thoroughly, calling at each home with the Bible, gospel papers, and speaking to people as an opening will be granted of the Lord. My first move will be (D.V.) about 100 miles North of Montreal, where a number of French are true believers in Christ, and where some R. C. have left their church. The following letter from a dear young Christian woman will show that God is working among the French:

March 19, 1934. Dear Mr. Germain:-I thank you for having given me the meaning of, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church," etc. We understood very well; I have looked over in my Bible all the passages you gave me. Here nearly all are French R. C., and you know that my husband has left the R. C. Church. They call us "Les Suisses." My husband speaks to them often of the Gospel; he tells them what he knows, that the Bible is the only good Book to guide, that there is nothing else as the Word of God. I often read the Word, but there are many things I do not understand. I ask God to give us the necessary wisdom to understand. Kindly explain Luke 12:58-59. I have received the tracts you sent me. Thanks.-Mrs. J. C. –LOUIS J. GERMAIN.

HAMILTON, ONT., May 19, 1934.-Since coming home after 8 months' absence, I have served the Lord in this city.

At our first meeting in Canada Street Hall a young man professed to be saved. He now attends regularly.

Eight meetings were held at above hall at Bethany, two at City Mission, and one with children at Mt. Sanatorium. This, and one at the City Jail, are new openings. We trust these will be soul-saving centers.

-G. W. Coombs.