Work In The Home-land


SCHENECTADY, N.Y., March 29.-Brother L. T. Chambers is bringing to a close a series of lectures on the Tabernacle, illustrated with his beautiful model. The lectures began on March 18, and have gone on every night but Saturday. There has been deep interest shown, some coming every night from considerable distances. Attendance has been encouraging, varying from about SO to well over 100. We are praying that the stirring and instructive ministry our brother gave may be the means of drawing all who heard it nearer to the Lord Jesus and to one another.-S. W. Mauger.

Leaving Oakland, Feb. 17, E. B. Craig spent two weeks in Salinas. The little company there much appreciated his ministry. He also worked among the Japanese in that city, distributing tracts, giving the gospel message to individuals, at cottage meetings and at Japanese Sunday Schools. At Santa Barbara he met brother E. K. Bailey on a trip south in his gospel car, and after meetings there in English and Japanese, traveled with him to Los Angeles. Brother Craig visited South Alhambra,
Monterey Park, Venice, Riverside, and Redlands, and is now in" the Imperial Valley.

During February and March, H. S. McNair labored in Contra Costa County, Calif., holding meetings at Clayton and Pacheco, and distributing tracts. Brothers Slater and Lee, with a number of sisters, aided in these meetings and tract work.

RICHMOND, CALIF.-Brother Geo. Raust from Denver, Colo., had two weeks' meetings, using his Chart of the Ages. This was followed by a week's meetings for! children which met with good response.

RIVERSIDE, CALIF., April 2.-I came here for the conference, after two weeks in San Diego. Meetings there, though not largely attended, were marked by a nice interest and the Lord's blessing. The conference here on Easter Day was largely attended. Some 360 remembered the Lord. Shortly, I hope to begin meetings in Alhambra.-T. W. Carroll.

MUSKEGON, MICH., April 12.-In Feb. and March I spent some six weeks in Detroit ministering the Word in several assemblies and visiting, in the homes of many of the saints. Their kind and hospitable fellowship was very refreshing, and I trust the spiritual things ministered among them will bear fruit to the praise of His name. Detroit presents a large field where there is great need for both gospel and pastoral ministry.

During this month I am in Muskegon, having meetings in the Gospel Hall three nights each week, teaching dispensational truths with the aid of a Chart. May the Lord richly bless and encourage in every place all His servants who labor for Him.-O. J. Hommes.

MIAMI, FLA., April 13th.-We have just concluded two weeks' special gospel meetings here. The brethren advertised them extensively! and we were encouraged by the excellent response in attendance and interest manifested. The Lord gave much liberty in the ministry of the gospel. Souls were exercised, the saints refreshed and stirred, and we do trust and pray that fruit will follow. I go from here to Tampa and Zephyrhills for a couple of weeks to visit the little companies in these places who are seeking to go on in fellowship and testimony for the Lord.

We purpose to make our home in Miami when school closes for the summer. At present the family is in Key West.-August Van Ryn.

POTTSTOWN, PA., April 10.-Young People's meetings for the study of the Word, long held here, have been revived. We held the first, March 31st, and another the following Friday. The purpose is to continue these, holding them on the last Friday of each month, and the plan is to study the books of the Bible. In the past, subjects or special questions of interest were taken up. We covet the prayers of the Lord's people for this work.-G. W. Coombs.


BLACK CAPE. QUE.-Two days' meetings were held at Cullen's Brook, Que., over the Easter Lord's Day and Monday. Such a gathering has not been held there for ten years and it was a cheer to see the revival of interest. Goodly numbers were present from near-by assemblies. The Lord gave a refreshing season. Brethren Campbell, Belch, and the writer ministered the Word.

At present I am at Cascapedia, having a series of special meetings.-S. Stewart.

TORONTO, ONT.-Brother L. T. Chambers, of Pembroke, N. C., is giving addresses on the Tabernacle, using a very fine model. He writes of encouragement and blessing in each place visited. He is now in Toronto, Ont., at the Westmoreland Gospel Hall. On Lord's Day evenings the hall has been filled to capacity, and during the week there is also a good attendance.

At the East End meeting, Toronto, our brother reports that many have been saved recently, and that he is finding it his happy privilege to help establish these in their most holy faith.

NEW RICHMOND STATION, QUE., April 10.-Brother H. L. Campbell writes of ministering the Word in five different places! during the past; month. The Lord used His Word to the help of His people. On his return he shared in the ministry at the Easter Conference at Cullen's Brook." He says it was a very happy season of fellowship and spiritual blessing.

NASSAU, BAHAMAS.-Here the saints have had a spiritual uplift at the Conference held on April 8th. The fellowship of the saints, and the ministry of the Word afforded refreshment and edification. God also blessed the Gospel messages given. Those helping in the ministry of the Word were Brothers Bertram, Nottage Brothers, W. Farrington, T. Thompson and the writer.

It is on my heart to visit the South of Andros, a truly needy field, and with this in view I desire the prayers of the saints.-R. Jewers.