San Diego, Calif.-I have been having meetings during the past two months in Palo Alto, Cal. God blessed His Word.
The conference here is just over and we had a very happy time together. I am staying on this week, preaching every night except Saturday. -T. W. Carroll.
Islamorado, Fla.-In prison work lately the Lord has given much to encourage, especially at Raiford, Fla.,where the whole prison with its fifteen hundred inmates was opened to me with permission to go where I chose and stay as long as I saw fit. I found scores that were hungry for the Word of Life. It was a great pleasure to lead them to the Light.
At Savannah, Ga., the Lord allowed us to see fruit, and at most of the assemblies that we have called on this fall the saints are encouraged by seeing their number grow.
At Islamorado, Fla., where we have been for a couple of weeks, there is a young assembly, not one year old, and only three of its number located locally, but about twenty have confessed Him as Saviour within the last two months.
Would be glad to have the saints save me their gospel magazines for prison work. -Thos. H. Lacey.
Muskegon, Mich.-During the past two years or more, besides sharing in the privileges and responsibilities of the local assembly, I have been working in some neighboring rural communities, having gospel meetings regularly in two places. Much time has been given to personal work in connection with the public meetings. God has graciously blessed these efforts to many souls, some of whom were brought to a knowledge of salvation and were baptized, and some were instructed more perfectly in the way and Word of Truth.
In one of these places, about 25 miles distant from here, the work has resulted in some being exercised about "the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers" (Acts 2:42). About three months ago an assembly was formed, with some twenty or more gathering on Lord's Day morning for the remembering of Him who died, "that He might gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad" (John 11:52).
With this we are continuing, endeavoring to serve and establish the people of God as our Sovereign Lord gives grace and opportunity. Yours in Him, –OMER J. HOMMES.
Key West, Fla.-We came to Key West the middle of November from Michigan, where we made our home for three and one-half years. For several reasons we have felt led to make our home in the South.
We have had meetings regularly in the Gospel Hall, and have much enjoyed the fellowship of the warmhearted saints here. The assembly is going on nicely, and a happy spirit of fellowship and Christian liberty prevails.
The interest in the Word is very encouraging. There are fifty or more outsiders present whenever the Word is preached. Believers from five or six different denominations attend right along, and seem to be helped. I am speaking at present on the Kingdom of Heaven, illustrated by a chart, and as it is a new line of truth here, many have spoken of help received. Brethren, pray for us, that souls may be saved, and believers led on and out, to meet around Himself. -August Van Ryn.
Pembroke, N. C.-At last the new Model of the Tabernacle, which has been in course of construction for the past three years, is complete. It. has been my privilege to give addresses on it during the past two months, in Washington, D. C., Harrisburg, Philadelphia (Frankford) and Baltimore. In spite of weather conditions am happy to report splendid interest. As to the Model itself it has been very carefully made, and represents much skilled workmanship on the part of various brethren and sisters who have graciously given freely of their time and resources. Some parts have been brought from Palestine. If any assemblies desire to have a series of lectures on this subject, I would be glad to hear from such at my home address, Box 1046, Pembroke, N. C.
Houston, Texas.-E. J. Tharp was with us for five days, leaving this morning for San Antonio on his way west, expecting to sail Feb. 8th for Manchuria, his field of labor for the past thirty years. He had meetings here nightly, including Saturday, and also spoke to the Sunday School on Lord's Day morning, and again to the young people at 6:45, before the evening meeting. His visit has brought Asia and its needs closer to our hearts.
Seattle, Wash., 607 North 46th St.-Since leaving Plainfield in November I have been kept well occupied in the happy service of our Lord in the gospel and among some of His loved ones.
Calling at Pittsburgh and at Chicago for a week in each district, we journeyed on to these parts, and immediately found plenty of work. A Conference at Yakima, where there were some drops of gospel blessing, "but for the showers we pray." Another at New Westminster at the New Year, where our brother Geo. McCandless was present. Happy fellowship and helpful ministry were enjoyed. There is great need in this great West, and great opportunities. Pray for us. We have now "a jumping-off place" at this address.
The dear wife of our brother Alfred Major of Hoquiam, the hostess of many, has passed in to the presence of our Lord recently. "With Christ, which is far better."
Vancouver, B. C. – Coming westward through the Canadian prairies, and crossing the lower reaches of the Rocky Mountains, I have spent many weeks visiting the little gatherings by the way. It has been a great joy to see the hand of God at work, strengthening faith and drawing hearts closer to Christ. In some places there is a marked increase in the study of the Word of God. May this increase everywhere!
It was a pleasure to meet brother Inglis Fleming once more, at an all-day meeting at New Westminster on New Year's Day. His ministry was helpful and encouraging as also that of Elliot McAllister. The day was one of real blessing from the Lord. Brother McAllister and brother Bowen, who was also present, spend much of their time among the widely scattered population of the country districts, preaching where doors open, working from house to house, and comforting the meetings by visiting and ministry among them. They are much loved and their service has been owned of God.
Deseronto, Ont.-We have received interesting and encouraging letters from a few French converted people. They would like us to hold meetings in their home, which we hope to do later. Being the only French-speaking worker visiting them, and, as there are so many to reach, it is difficult to cover the ground. We do hope and pray that the Lord will raise up laborers and send them forth to this needy field. Pray for us and the field.
Trenton, Ont.-During the past few weeks we have been seeking to give help in several assemblies in this section of Eastern Ontario. At Gardenville two young people professed faith in the Lord Jesus last week, and another took her place at the Table of the Lord. At present we are in Trenton, and next weekend expect to visit Belleville, where our brother Alex Irvine has been recently. -C. Ernest Tatham.
Black Cape, Que.-Two-days' meetings were held at Grand Cascapedia over Christmas week-end. Although the weather was cold and stormy the Lord gave a profitable season, which was much enjoyed by all the Lord's own.
At Black Cape we had two-days' meetings at New Year, with good attendance, and the Lord gave blessing.. His people were refreshed, and several confessed the Lord as Saviour. Brother H. L. Campbell, Wm. Beld, and the writer ministered the Word.
I expect to commence a week's meetings in Cullen's Brook. There is always a good interest here. The young people are many, and we hope to help them particularly. –SAMUEL STEWART.