“By Him All Things Subsist”

(Col. 1:17)

Another interesting item of information was recently given by Dr. Charles G. Abbot in the-annual report of the Smithsonian Institute. As reported in The New York Times, he has been studying "the one-eighth inch of ozone gas which is all that stands between the human race and destruction by death rays' from the sun. This ozone 'wall' lies forty miles from the earth in the upper, reaches of the stratosphere. It is spread through considerable space, but if concentrated would be less than one-eighth of an inch thick." We are told that this ozone layer absorbs short wave ultra-violet rays that would blind and blister and eventually destroy life if they could penetrate.

Dr. Abbot says, as quoted:"It is astonishing and even terrifying to contemplate the narrow margin of safety on which our lives depend. Were this trifling quantity of atmospheric ozone removed we should all perish."

Does not this serve to illustrate how easily when God's time comes, as Peter declares, "the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up"? Seemingly He but needs to waft away that ozone "wall" of present protection, and the "death rays" of the mighty sun will do their work.

But to illustrate again:From that same mighty orb come those rays which are beneficial to life, without which it could not exist, and these pass through the ozone layer, the death-dealing rays being absorbed in that layer for the present; so from Him who is the Sun of Righteousness there comes now the life-giving ministry of grace and mercy, while judgment is restrained. Yet from Him shall also come the withering blast of burning wrath which shall consume all who obey not the gospel, and destroy all those who destroy the earth. , "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish in the way, for soon His anger burneth. Blessed are all who have their trust in Him" (Ps.2:12, New Trans.).