“When Thou Passest Through The Waters, I Will Be With Thee”

(Isaiah 43:2)

(A letter from one in trial)

Thank you so much for your letter, also the tracts which I can use, for never have we felt our responsibility as now in being faithful to our blessed Lord who has done so much for us. When we see how hard the Devil is working to blind people's eyes and to mar the testimony of God's people, we His children who have power through Jesus Christ our Lord should never lose one single opportunity. Truly, wickedness is fast ripening for the coming judgment, and oh, brother, join me at the Throne of Grace in a petition to God to send a mighty revival amongst His children, beginning with my own heart. There is a dearth in the land, and it is only by our humbling ourselves before God, confessing our sins, seeking His face, allowing Him to search our hearts and try our thoughts, that He will answer our prayers and we be in the place where He can bless us and use us. May we be occupied with Him, doing always those things that are pleasing to Him, for we shall soon be looking on His blessed face, like Him, and sharing His glory. What an eternity before us! Even so; come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly! Amen.

How I would like to see some of my brethren! It has been eighteen months since I have been outside the house, but am hoping, if the Lord tarries and it be His will, to get out when the weather settles. As soon as this month is over we will have to move into cheaper quarters, maybe in rooms, for obligations are getting heavier every day and no work, but are trusting the Lord to deliver us and make plain His will for us. Bear us up in prayer for guidance and help in this problem. I am around again, but not downstairs, and am feeling so much stronger. Please remember me to all my brethren, and tell them that my heart overflows with gratitude to God for laying it on their hearts to be so mindful of my needs. May the Lord doubly repay them and bless them.