For ever in the presence of the light of heaven,
The Lamb of God for guilty sinners given;
For ever drinking in eternal jot,
His glorious presence gives without alloy;
For ever gazing on that beauteous face
Once marred for me in wondrous love and grace;
For ever only at His bidding move,
For ever resting in His changeless love.
O blessed Saviour, where is love like Thine?
Or where such light as in Thy face doth shine?
Eternity can never be too long|
To sing to Thee an everlasting song
Of peace, and joy, and everlasting braise-
'Twould take an everlasting age of endless days,
And then be none too long!
The beloved author of these lines, Miss Helen McDowell- whose poetical contributions to this magazine for many years have been a "sweet savor of Christ,!' refreshing to the children of God–departed to be with Christ on Jan. 21st.