A Bible Meditation

"Meditate therein-make thy way prosperous-have good success"-Joshua 1:8.

BEHOLD (intently look).

RUIN-"I am vile"-Job 40:4.

REDEMPTION-The Lamb-John 1:29. Afflicted-Lamentations 1:12. Result-Matthew 27:51.

RECEPTION-Now 2 Corinthians 6:2.

RELATIONSHIP-"Manner of love"-1 John 3:1. "Children of God."

REVELATION-"Wondrous things"-Ps. 119:18.

REFLECTION-"Into same image"-2 Corinthians 3:18.

RESTORATION-"I stand and knock"-Rev. 3:20. It is He who seeks recovery. Never need to knock at His door. "Lost thy first love." His never lost.

RAPTURE-"Come quickly"-Revelation 22:7,12. John 17:24. Isaiah 33:17.

REVIEW-"I and the children"-Heb. 2:13.

RETRIBUTION-"Come to judge"-Jude 14.

E. J. Checkley